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Everything posted by Purdey

  1. For years, Singha sold two small bottles of beer for less than the price of one large bottle.
  2. Yet another weird mental death cult in the USA. Just keep them over there and don't issue passports. At least they aren't cannibals.
  3. Europe really does need less reliance on America and should be able to defend itself. Once it reaches that level of defense, then it can lower America's impact on European politics and not get involved in unnecessary conflicts in the Middle East.
  4. Have to include the additional costs created by having to cleanup pavements awash with vomit and pee.
  5. Why doesn't ole bone spurs buy the land? He seems to want it for free.
  6. Why on earth would Trump visit London? All the golfing is in Scotland.
  7. Can't say the agency doesn't need updated software though.
  8. When someone says I found 150-year-olds claiming social security which is against the law, should they be prosecuted immediately? Would the court cases be evidence that there is some possibility of truth to this allegation, and should no prosecutions mean that Musk is lying?
  9. She was one of the worst prime ministers ever. She is no longer relevant.
  10. It just shows that the military coup was a complete waste of time. No change at all.
  11. I don't think we can blame the BBC for reporting what was said and summarizing its meaning. NATO has fallen out of favor with America recently and if America withdraws from NATO then the EU and UK will have to handle it.
  12. Just assume you will retire at 60 and die around 80. the retirement period will NOT require the money that you spend today, due to inflation, so add to your monthly expenditure.
  13. I don't think we can blame the BBC for reporting what was said and summarizing its meaning. NATO has fallen out of favor with America recently and if America withdraws from NATO then the EU and UK will have to handle it.
  14. The only reason the US held an election in 1944 was that it wasn't being bombed every day.
  15. Patel is a name that originates in Gujarat, India. Full name Kashyap Pramod Vinod Patel. Just thought that was interesting. Moving on...
  16. A silly topic. Never believe anyone who cannot communicate in public without cursing. Americans seem to define communism as a system where their taxes pay for anything that others benefit from. Yet by that definition, many of the tools of state are communistic. Roads? Which part did you pay for and get out of my part.
  17. Wait until the visitors are cheated or robbed. Have an accident without sufficient insurance. These fads last a while then die naturally.
  18. Well there a lot of people who don't believe in a Christian God. And who don't pretend to know what God thinks.
  19. She can't be the only kid vaping in her area. There is a shop selling to children. Find the shop, fine the owner heavily and arrest the owner if he or she doesn't stop.
  20. No plan to divert it? Blow it off course?
  21. Good to read about the total savings as it answers my question elsewhere. However, does the saving equate to cash?
  22. Had Elon revealed the total cash savings to date?
  23. Couldn't he have found drugs in Thailand? Why import? Coals to Newcastle etc.
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