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Everything posted by Purdey

  1. Confusing. Should he be declaring war and sending boys to die in countries they can't point to on a map? America's batting average hasn't been that great overseas. The concept of never ending wars to keep the arms manufacturers in business needs to take a break.
  2. Interesting to see a prime minister telling a listed company how to do its job
  3. I don't understand one thing. If he inflated the value of his assets to borrow money, and deflated them to pay less tax, is the taxman now allowed to go after him for unpaid taxes based on his own highest assessments?
  4. If only the government could prove their policy works, using a figure that shows fewer alcoholics.
  5. https://www.unescap.org/sites/default/files/2.23.Thailand-1.pdf
  6. No misinterpretation. It is all reported. All the things you say are mentioned by the police but under the line that states driving faster than the speed limit.
  7. In most countries there is a retirement age for workers but rarely politicians. Congress could easily create a retirement age for politicians, but they won't.
  8. Of course there are reasons but speeding comes top of the list, whether it be speeding due to drunkenness, speeding and hitting a tree, speeding and losing control of the vehicle. But the Police put speeding at the top of the list. This is a capture of a Thai police presentation. The long blue line at the top of the graph says "Driving faster than the speed limit".
  9. Please do go back to the publicly release police reports on road accidents. Speeding is given as the main reason each time. In 80 km.hr limits, I have seen Maserati and Porsches do 160. Egg on the face much?
  10. Who passes more laws that immediately affect ordinary people, representatives and senators or the president? Is the president allowed to enter the nuclear codes without supervision or is it just a hoary old myth?
  11. Do others get the same publicity when they have a senior moment, or isn't mentioned because people understand it happens?
  12. If age is now becoming a criterion for holding public office, why do people continue to vote, without criticism, for Sen. Charles Grassley, (aged 90), Grace Napolitano (86 years old), D.C. Delegate Eleanor Holmes Norton (86 years old), Rep. Hal Rogers (85 years old), Rep. Maxine Waters (85 years old), Rep. Steny Hoyer (84 years old), Rep. Jim Clyburn (83 years old), or Sen. Bernie Sanders (82 years old) ?
  13. Brilliant. Don't check if the policy has worked elsewhere in the world first. Reinvent the wheel again.
  14. Accidents are caused by drivers moving faster than the speed limit. If the limit is 80, they do 120. If the limit is 50, they will likely do 120 if there are no speed bumps. Not likely on major roads.
  15. Not sure how the government can set a limit on monthly income as so few people pay tax. A lot of people are not declaring their earnings.
  16. Should they be hit by a truck in the outside lane and hospitalized, their insurance is unlikely to pay and then they will ask other people to fund their bills .
  17. Can't pay off debts, as mentioned above, because it frees the debtors to borrow more in the expectation the government will pay it off for them. High school is the place to teach kids how to handle money but even the teachers are unqualified to teach this subject.
  18. Well I suppose they could give people a gift of THB 1,000 every new year over the next 10 years. Hopefully they won't stay in power 10 years.
  19. Could you make a complete list? Useful if all are available in Thailand.
  20. Thais don't understand economics below master degree level. They just want free money. Pheu Thai just wanted votes and didn't calculate that they would create huge excitement after the election. Now they are stuck and will grind the economy into dust. But no one will remember.
  21. Artificial sweeteners and sugar substitutes are there for producers to use. Why not profit from? The government should promote a sugar free diet using substitutes. But I guess the sugar companies have a lot of clout.
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