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Everything posted by Purdey

  1. 6,000 baht. The cost of dying. At least of it were 10 million I might understand.
  2. Several African countries are now having an AIDS problem without USAID providing medicines. Uganda, Zimbabwe and South Africa are suffering. I wouldn't want to have easy sex there...
  3. Truck drivers are often forced to deliver on time with no breaks for a rest. Those who want to make targets take yaba.
  4. Keeping a safe distance from the vehicle in front is the law everywhere.
  5. Trending story on X former Kremlin spy revealed Trump's codename was Krasnov. Hardly a reputable source but you never know. #Krasnov
  6. Does plumbing make that much racket or is the this one incident in many?
  7. Make it cheaper to borrow and increase debt. Of course that will help.
  8. Inviting a foreign government to spy on one's country is treason. Lock her in the Tower.
  9. It isn't on the hook. It's why it stepped in in 1942. If dictators aren't stopped they will take everything.
  10. The USA held an election in 1944 because it wasn't being bombed on a daily basis.
  11. The whole world knows DNA proves she is fake. Lock her up.
  12. Is this true? Since Serpico we know it is rare to find honest public servants in the police. Maybe time for a change.
  13. Trump could easily end hostile feelings with Russia by allowing Russia mineral rights in Alaska. Then he would understand Zelensky's feelings. Give Putin what he wants and he will want more.
  14. In the end Biden stepped aside, but too late. Now let's see what the stable genius will do.
  15. I don't suppose the body was so damaged it was difficult to identify?
  16. Suppose he met the conditions of his release by lying through his teeth? Is it more expensive to keep him in prison or spend a lot of money on surveillance tech 24 hours a day?
  17. Bankrupting the country to build up its weapons stockpiles seems extreme. Help other European nations develop their technology for defensive capabilities perhaps?
  18. Why are Chinese scientists in American labs? Is it possible they are responsible for many of the innovations discussed in the article?
  19. It's just data. Why not listen and think for yourself after, America?
  20. Most of the harm Musk had inflicted on his children is by naming them.
  21. So many Chicken Littles must feel put out.
  22. How do judges calculate prison time down to a few days? Why not give 20 year sentences with 20 year minimum to be served?
  23. People said at the beginning of the year it would be over in a few weeks...
  24. Ok until the last ludicrous sentence.
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