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Everything posted by Purdey

  1. Must admit to some sympathy that girls need to do this work due to low education and no social safety net. I realize the temptation of earning more than a receptionist or secretary is an incentive, but I put it down to the need to survive.
  2. Well, they tried to ban alcohol in the US with the 18th constitutional amendment. As a result, crime rose throughout that period, known as Prohibition. Several European nations also introduced prohibition but due to Hollywood, the American version is more famous. After that failure they had to repeal it using the Twenty-first Amendment. It is the only Constitutional amendment ever repealed (that I know of). People use alcohol to help them relax and lower inhibitions, which explains a lot of wild behavior by normally shy Thais.
  3. No worse than shooting kids with an AR-15 I suppose.
  4. So sad to read all the negative comments. There are no real "politics" behind education. It is mainly bureaucrats stealing what budget they can and the top people sending their kids to America so that they will have a good job on their return. The rural teachers I work with want to give a better education to their students but their budget won't pay for diddly squat. We installed solar panels because they aren't allowed an electricity connection (the school is on military land, don't ask). They had ministry mandated PCs but no electricity! We have built a library and filled it with science books and cartoons that kid like because kids want to read. It isn't that all teachers don't want to educate - they just don't all have the needed resources.
  5. If Dozy Don wins the presidency, many will have to sit back and accept. For other Western countries it might mean the end of international friendship. He is planning a lot of things "on day one" that will hurt people in the long term. Vote for him and see what happens.
  6. Because I doubt they walked up to him without any provocation or reason and stabbed him.
  7. Funny how this came to be so long after the bribery was discovered.
  8. This does sound suspicious. I would hope the female officer wore gloves so that no nails were used.
  9. It has been usual for the government to provide the lowest quality of rice to prisons. Perhaps the canteen in Parliament should consider this as they have several convicts.
  10. So bad weather will hit the north south, east and west. Thanks.
  11. I find it hard to imagine people sneaking up on him and stabbing him. There must have been an argument during which he used the usual for letter words. I suppose it will come out which is the son of a policeman.
  12. I have seen a middle aged Thai businessman throw up for quite some time in a main road after mixing durian and Thai whisky. I was persuaded to try durian in a bowl of coconut milk, which masks the smell. I love a piece now and then but will never mix it with alcohol.
  13. The junta is always trying to find ways to control the Senate. Getting their mates to stand for positions is the most obvious loophole. Military doctors, Chulachomklao teachers, friends and relatives. Anything to win.
  14. Alcohol again. Much more dangerous than weed alcohol is responsible for more deaths than I've had hot dinners.
  15. Isn't it funny that when a national calamity hits Iran, they don't suspect that Allah punished the people who died? Suddenly, it is about technical errors or bad weather.
  16. After 37 years here there is nothing to make me go back to my place of birth. A house, which is full of "stuff". Planning on leaving the guitars to Mahidol music school. The computers to a mate. Her indoors doesn't want it and will probably sell and go upcountry. I will be dead so why worry? Why change if you speak Thai and have lovely staff and friends?
  17. She isn't a pensioner so they have to be pretty rich to consider retirement to Thailand. Money can get you a lot in Thailand.
  18. Are they sure it was alcohol and not cannabis? The PM needs more cases to justify banning cannabis.
  19. When a real estate magnate runs the government, of course these infrastructure projects will boom. Forget about technology and manufacturing, subjects he doesn't understand. I won't be surprised if he owns land in Phuket.
  20. They have the transcript. Like the famous video of the "tour" made by rioters, the audio could be edited to score political points. They simply need an official document that swears the transcript has not been edited.
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