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Everything posted by Purdey

  1. AP banned from the White House? Munich 2025 J.D. Vance "accused European leaders of suppressing free speech and censorship." "In Britain, and across Europe, free speech, I fear, is in retreat." Hypocrisy much?
  2. How can you clean up Bangkok's air without cleaning up the rest of Thailand? Rather short-sighted.
  3. I wonder how many years before it breaks even and will the ticket price match airline or conventional train prices?
  4. Great if you want to hitchhike somewhere fast.
  5. To the NGOs who are complaining: tell the government exactly what they should have cut instead then sit back and watch the fireworks
  6. I hope he gets better with no long term effects.
  7. Soft power in action. Next up: skeleton takes questions from journalists.
  8. How on earth was he "unsuspecting"?
  9. I will expect to see Ivanka getting management control of those mineral rights as she has an East European accent and is thus eminently qualified.
  10. Of course, we have to keep in mind the brilliant successes instituted by the Conservatives over 14 years, the surges in the economy, the NHS and tremendous acknowledgement this got them at the last election.
  11. Since when did teens listen to parents?
  12. Always threaten, never do. - Ancient Thai Proverb
  13. Fat people eat too much. Thats all. They can take drugs to lose weight then put it all on again when they stop.
  14. He should get naturalization after that length of time.
  15. Did she think 130,000 Baht was worth the risk? A lack of imagination.
  16. "Do your own research" doesn't work unless you can fly.
  17. One wonders why families like this chose to live in the West. Just for money I guess.
  18. I doubt the Ukraine expects to win the war, as in defeat Russia on the battlefield. More likely they want to cause so much damage on the Russians that it withdraws from the field. Defending one's country is often a zero-compromise game.
  19. Thai people are so sweet, never thinking ill of others. In that case, I am Prince Najeem of Nigeria. I request your help in transferring US$20m to Thailand. I will pay you 10% for availing me of the opportunity to request your kind assistance.
  20. Not sure she has thought it through. Even if the bikes were to move, other people would park in that space and none of them would be customers.
  21. I guess he will close down those non-European military bases eventually. How much income will that lose I wonder?
  22. But where on earth did he keep his money? I shudder to think...
  23. She needs mental healthcare. Is it available on the 30 Baht scheme?
  24. I wonder if Emily would consider a tattoo of Mohammed on her other arm. Would be a good talking point.
  25. If it isn't jumping to humans why worry?
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