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Everything posted by Andycoops

  1. I always use Grab when I need to get around Udon, have always found them to be efficient. I use Bolt in Pattaya.
  2. And the legal closing time is 2am for establishments serving alcohol as we see on a regular basis with raids taking place. But as usual the BiB are above the law that is served upon everyone else.
  3. The jokers who come up with this <deleted> must have all had some form of mental illness. It just laughable that they think 1M people, individuals, are going to invest that sort of money in such a corrupt regime.
  4. Everyone here knows there is a 2 tier justice system. One for the hi-so who have the money, influence to avoid prosecution and the other for the humble citizens who get the full force of the law laid upon them.
  5. The guy in the video is a complete knob as far as I am concerned. 1st came to Thailand 31 years ago and have lived here for 14. No regrets. So superior to the miserable UK.
  6. It's all about saving face, they can't say they don't know, they can't admit responsibility for their actions, they can't say sorry etc... It's a fragile ego culture from the top to the bottom. The world hub of fudging it.
  7. How about taking a vow to deter the thousands of chinese criminals committing crimes against Thai citizens. Oh, but of course they are paid to ignore such activity... Such a law enforcement shambles.
  8. The world hub of U Turns and I don't mean on the roads...
  9. Clearly the new ambassador hasn't had time to read through the bungled timeline Nut and his fellow cronies allowed through their gross incompetence in dealing with the virus crisis.
  10. Smart logos from the dumbest Muppet in the country just about sums it up. As for progress and leaving nobody behind tell that to all the citizens who lost their jobs because of his lack of action in the last 9 years, apart from buying submarines with no engines etc... The unelected usurper should remain in his free bunker, never to be seen or heard of again.
  11. Another hi-so fudge with bulging envelopes in abundance as usual, I suspect. Somchai the noodle vendor would be in the Hilton by now...
  12. I submitted my UK passport renewal application at VFS HMPO in Bangkok on the 21st December 2022. Yesterday, 9th January 2023 I received a email from VFS that my passport was ready for collection within the next 30 days.
  13. It's not the vest you idiot it's the Muppets inside the vest that need to be changed, miserable sods. As for coordinating colours, since when was anything in Thailand concerning the BiB coordinated. Just look at the uncoordinated IB with random rules for visa extensions etc etc
  14. And no mention of covid tests but then it's not their department it's all about the numbers...
  15. Joke of the day. A Thai believing everything that comes out of a chinese government mouth. There are already special measures in place for the chinese mafia as we see in regular news stories about how they have been allowed to stay here and conduct illegal activities with bought for visas...
  16. Wow, stealth fighters for Thailand such a joke. They can't even stop clunky old Burmese jets from entering their airspace to murder innocent civilians. Total waste of money but then the Muppets just like to have useless toys. I suggest a Lego set or two...
  17. Obviously being paid off by the CCP mafia to keep his mouth shut on all things chinese Even though they have the biggest amount of covid cases and rising worldwide. Pathetic statement from a so called doctor who presumably doesn't follow the news.
  18. Deny, deny and deny again the BiB mantra to any form of them not following the rule of law, keystone cop statements the dish of the day...
  19. Just what the nation needs, millions of zero baht communists spreading covid all over the country. The people in TAT and the tourism department should all be given full lobotomies, Thailand the world hub in nonsense.
  20. Seriously, these Muppets are so clueless thinking that some paint will have any impact on the notorious Thai driver who's speeding and often drunk at the wheel, it beggars belief.
  21. Unfortunately the Pooh Bear and his cronies are so dumb thinking they can control a virus when the rest of the world just got on with it that the ever suffering citizens will of course bare the brunt. I sincerely hope the the whole of the CCP gets it too.
  22. So famous I've never heard of him.
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