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Everything posted by SportRider

  1. You need to tweak your prompt engineering so the AI doesn't sound necessarily dramatic.
  2. That BigC jingle stays with me for hours every time 🤦
  3. Don't worry, the others will be given their chance to present also.
  4. ATM cards will at some time be included (but not yet implemented AFAIK). Credit cards not included (and may be too complicated).
  5. I'm really surprised to see no Taylor Sheridan mentioned yet.. If you're of the generation that grew up watching cowboys and indians on TV (yes, I know,).. Then you'll enjoy his writing. Even the modern times stuff... Yellowstone 1883 1923 Tulsa King Mayor of Kingstown Landman (season 1 running now) Lioness (is a bit duff but the battle scenes are ok.) He also has A tier actors.. Harrison Ford, Kevin Costner, Sylvester Stallone, etc.
  6. Honestly I prefer to see working Elephants just going about their business. I took this pic last week just outside Pattaya. Love the way the rider is on his phone... what a combination of old and new.
  7. There is an assumption here that 'many' of these ladies stay. If you look at the *proportion* of ladies staying vs the numbers that leave, I'd be surprised if it was noteworthy, considering how many thousands must have gone through over the years.
  8. Seems like a weird prejudicial question to me. Women and men get married. Often we meet more people through work. People want love, companionship, financial security, reduced uncertainty about the future... Are bar girls any different?
  9. Is it Co-dependency or just plain Dependency?
  10. Does Thailand have any prisons that are *not* notorious?
  11. Since this would be an investment property to the buyer, it's worth crunching the numbers and showing realistic income possible (assuming your unit is also rented out). This figure will then allow you to do some yield comparisons to the market, which can guide your asking price. A buyer will most likely want to see these calculations anyway.
  12. It's a social media post. Of course it's gonna have generalisations. Why are people getting so exercised?
  13. Unlimited.
  14. Seems unecessarily nasty....?
  15. I'm not a yank and not immersed in politics. But it seems to me that a vote for Trump now is also for JD Vance as next. That guy is truly impressive. I wasn't a fan of Trump last time around, but the world has changed a lot since then, and my opinion has too.
  16. I dont bother with landline. I pay 300b per month and get amazing speeds on 5G with AIS. See pic just now. For torrent use NordVPN.
  17. In related news, expats are urged not to get stressed out about their home being hit by an iceberg.
  18. Not sure where to post these, but they may be useful because YouTube is shadow-banning a lot of TR content. Everyone has the right to form their own opinions on anything. All I would suggest is to challenge the information fed to you, and it's sources, before making opinions about *anyone* the establishment clearly hates. I thought TR was a thug, for many years. When I did my own research - avoiding main stream media and 'opinion' articles in lefty mouthpiece newspapers - I quickly realised I needed to form a new opinion for myself. Jordan Peterson Interview - Tommy Robinson https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jnhwBoFxaDI&rco=1 Address To Oxford Union - Tommy Robinson https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_YQ94jFg_4A&t=1658s THINK FOR OURSELVES 👍👍👍
  19. My learning about the truth of Tommy Robinson revealed how much I had been brainwashed by mainstream media. I had been programmed to think he was a 'far right thug'. Then I watched his full interview with *Jordan Petersen* on YouTube.. which blew my mind and made me want to actively *stop* getting my news from MSM. I then watched Tommy Robinsons full speech to the Oxford Union about a decade ago. Also available on YouTube. I was there in Trafalgar Square gathering in July. It was a great day. If you have a negative opinion about TR, please suspend until you have watched the two videos I mentioned above. His video Silenced is just the icing on the cake.
  20. Government taxes would replace brown envelopes. Unlikely to get support from those affected.
  21. Pro Tip - This issue doesn't apply in Philippines. Cost of living increases *are* received if you retire there.
  22. Shocked by how casual it all seems.
  23. It might sound crazy but check out Ikea wooden plant pot stands. I've used them for years. They are the perfect height, can drill through easily, and for heft you can put a big plant or whatever on the lower shelf. The model I use is now not sold, but there may still be decent options for the budget conscious. Btw I drive Bluesound Duo 2.1's with Parasound 200 Integrated. Absolutely perfect sound for the price point.
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