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Everything posted by SportRider

  1. I use a UK regulated currency broker for all major transactions... You send them one currency and they send onwards the desired currency. You can book the rate online or by phone (you get an assigned broker). Excellent excellent rates I've saved thousands over the years. Let me know if this is the kind of thing you're interested in, I'll pm you info.
  2. Same. Have sat there for more than two decades while the missus pops into Mike's. Wait...err.. you know what i mean!
  3. Maybe Thank Bar on Soi Buakow, towards the market end on right side after jn with Soi 15. Cheap beer. Unobtrusive music. Good seats looking out onto the road. Excellent food on site.
  4. Agree. This thread feels distastefully judgemental somehow.
  5. The language of the article is quite well written with an evocative vocabulary... AI?
  6. I love Prawn Phaal... Used to get it in an 'Indian' restaurant in Reading UK, run by Nepalese. Mmmmm
  7. Sorry to read this. Many people live on meagre income and with family responsibilities. Urgent unplanned needs arise. There aren't many good options in Thailand for those less fortunate than ourselves. It's desperation, not stupidity.
  8. Try the Brave browser for laptop and mobile.. it's supposed to be very secure. (Incidentally it blocks ad popups too, seamlessly, ahem.)
  9. There is no (common) vaccine for dengue, and four different types so immunity isn't guaranteed even if you already had it. Dengue occurs even in developed cities like Singapore. I got it in KL a few years ago, it's not fun.
  10. Domestic consumer spending is a significant part of GDP in every country. For example, in USA it's about 70%.
  11. Why are the rails on Thai balconies so low? Pretty much every one I see the rail is well below my hip centre of gravity - so easy to tip over if unsteady on your feet for any reason...
  12. The comments are a revelation... I never knew Brits had this reputation in some places... Never been a whinger myself and know very very few who are. But from a sample of those I know, they come from various nationalities - UK, France, Sweden, Greece, ..
  13. Another option possibly is to use the foreign company to pay you returnable 'loans' that dont count as income.
  14. Here's an idea... The UAE has a DTA with Thailand. If you are economically active you could use a UAE company to pay yourself income. Taxed - at 0% in UAE. Then legit bring funds to Thailand as tax-paid.
  15. You get YouTube Music with Premium, meaning uninterrupted toons, saving to your device, and good algorithms for discovery of new stuff. Love it.
  16. Actually there are studies on this theme. When there are lots of passers by or a crowd and someone needs help, everyone tends to leave it to others. When there's only one person - you - you tend to help. As an example - a guy lying face down on the street .. if dozens of people are walking by and not paying him any attention, then we tend to do the same... maybe he's just drunk or... But if there's nobody else around and we see him, then most people will go to him to check he's ok.
  17. Don't worry about travelling with all your Vitamins and supplements.. I always do. Many responses to the OP offer opinions on vitamins rather than helpfully addressing the question... 🤔
  18. I read it the other way. She was the abuser, not poor Chokchai.
  19. I have a Withings Scanwatch Horizon which does pulse, activity tracking, sleep tracking, breathing disturbances during sleep, oxygen saturation, ECG, atrial firbrillation warning ... not BP though - not sure there is anything reliable for that yet. All measurements from the Withings are medically certified. It actually looks like a nice watch too.
  20. Learn how to set default programs in Windows. Switch to Brave browser. (Incidentally the mobile version blocks ads on sites like this one.) Run a Windows cleaner like CCleaner to get rid of junk and speed up yr PC.
  21. Yes she sounds like she could be depressed and needs some help.
  22. I have a UK investment asset backed by property that's paying fixed 12% pa.
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