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Everything posted by nobodysfriend

  1. Grinning muppets . They just heard that in Dubai , they found a miracle cure for dementia ...
  2. Pick up the stone and throw it back at the 'young nephew ' . He started all this . That is what I would do if someone attacked one of my friendly old dogs .
  3. Apple ad clearly inspired by the " hangover " movies . I like it , quite funny ... Don't be soo negative ...
  4. https://yaleclimateconnections.org/2021/08/1-5-or-2-degrees-celsius-of-additional-global-warming-does-it-make-a-difference/ A study on extreme heat published around the same time as the U.N. report projected that about 14% of the world’s population would be exposed to extreme heat waves once every five years if global temperature increases are held to 1.5°C. That percentage would jump up to 37% with a rise of 2°C. The massive temperature increases seen in British Columbia in the summer of 2021, where temperatures reached an all-time high of 121°F, show clearly that huge spikes in temperature can persist where they are least expected. Declining biodiversity With a 1.5°C increase, 6% of insects, 8% of plants, and 4% of vertebrates are projected by 2100 to lose more than half of their climatically determined geographic range. With a 2°C increase, those percentages double or triple: 18% of insects, 16% of plants, and 8% of vertebrates are projected by 2100 to lose more than half of their climatically determined geographic range.
  5. I think that a lot of voters were frustrated by the choice between 2 old white men . By Biden's resignation and Kamala's nomination ( soon ) , new hope and energy has been created . hopefully that will transform into a wave that will just sweep away Trump .
  6. Disrespectful ? Towards whom ? Nethanyahu ? Does this one deserve respect ? For what ? Trump licks Bibi's behind ...
  7. https://climate.nasa.gov/interactives/climate-time-machine NASA time machine ... very interesting ... it shows the speed of change .
  8. Poor world where every nation only seeks it's own advantage over other nations that are regarded as enemies ... One planet , one world , and that is threatened by a rapid increase of collapsing ecosystems . That affects all people , but few realize that the continuing destruction of the natural balance only accelerates weather extremes to a point that scientists originally predicted far in the future , are happening and worsening now . Nothing will be done to slow that , so , better prepare for a dystopian future that is not far away anymore . The point of no return has passed , 1.5 degrees of warming is here already and accelerating . https://climate.nasa.gov/news/3278/nasa-study-reveals-compounding-climate-risks-at-two-degrees-of-warming/ A 2-degree rise in global temperatures is considered a critical threshold above which dangerous and cascading effects of human-generated climate change will occur. To save something for the future , all Nations should work together NOW to avoid the planet to become unlivable for the human race . But this is an Illusion , they will not be able to overcome their differences , they will only consider it an emergency when the chairs they sit on , start burning . The threat is global , not defined to individual nations , all need to act now , together . I know , I will earn laughing emojis for this post ... anyway ... whatever you plan to do in the future , do it soon ...
  9. There are very good and cheap treatments against Hepatitis available ... in India .
  10. That is good to know ... There is quite a bit of development needed . Nobody wants to take away the thai language from thai people . But , the language and the way it is written , poses a threat to the development of Thailand into a 1st world country , at least as long as there is a resistance to learn or speak english , the main language of the internet .
  11. Killing kids is always sad . Killing itself is sad . Is an israeli kid worth more than a palestinian ? It seems so , by far ... Stop the killing altogether , end this ongoing slaughter now . It only demonstrates that there does not seem to be a will for peace at all . SAD .
  12. He IS older now . He needs to become Potus to avoid prison time . He will , by all means , do everything possible to avoid defeat again . He is willing to start a civil war , he does not care ... all what he cares about is himself .
  13. If there are still intact ecosystems left , need to protect them from poachers and , in general , people .
  14. In other countries , drivers are obliged to stop when they see somebody wants to use the Zebra crossing . But this is Thailand . When using a Zebra crossing here , be prepared to run to avoid a collision . No respect for traffic rules here ...
  15. Americas population is divided . There are the ones who want MAGA , make america great AGAIN . These potential voters for Trump are mostly backwards orientated , they want to return to a time that has passed by now . They think that , by voting for Trump , they can turn back the clock , but that is not possible . Then , there are the voters who want things to become better in the future . They will vote for a president who will change things for the better and does not return to the old failures . That is progressive and more realistic . Kamala Harris stands for this . Times are a changin' ... the future will hold new challenges , that can only be mastered by a foreward thinking president . Return to how it once was seems impossible in an ever changing world .
  16. Good . May be it was plan " B " in case Biden steps down . Or , all was designed to be like that from the beginning ...? Trump became too popular after the failed assassination attempt . Now the Trump team needs a new strategy with not a lot of time left ... Intelligent , pre-planned move , or just the opportunistic " jump on the occasion " ? We will never be 100% sure of that , but all indicates that it was not anticipated .
  17. She is a fighter . And she has the intellectual capacity to reduce Trumps ever same statements to rubble . She will win .
  18. They move more fast than the Zombies in " the walking dead " ... scaring ...
  19. The bulls hit again . Thai wanna be celebrities want to be in the headlines ...
  20. Who does still believe a word he says ...? He normally does the opposite from what he promised ...
  21. Chalerm Declares Political War Against Thaksin ... because he was not invited to Thaksin's birthday Party .
  22. She did not want to be there . For a reason . The Hamas wing of the democratic party ? Are you all right ? Sure . At least they did not try to storm the capitol .
  23. I think you got something wrong there ... The threat to the republic and democracy is Trump . Pro palestine protests are not necessarily organized by the left wing . They rightly protest against the slaughter of their own people , enabled by the continuous flow of weapons from the US to Israel . Harris should stop that , once elected POTUS . Nethanyahu is a troublemaker and his policies are nationalistic with complete disregard of all that does not fit the jewish narrative .
  24. A theory , not the truth . That would imply that Biden purposely looked frail in the debate . I doubt that . It ignited the internal discussion about how to replace him , and the dems quickly realized that the timing was good for Biden to step down , as Trumps campaign was based on attacking Biden . Trump already picked his VP candidate and now needs to alter the republican strategy within a short timeframe . Difficult to do after so much effort to discredit Biden has been done .
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