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Everything posted by nobodysfriend

  1. H2 ( Hydrogen ) will be for trucks , EV mostly for city ... Standardized hot - swappable batteries for EV's in the future ....
  2. See it , like it , steal it ... Don't think twice , it's all right ... 55
  3. Where we live , the garbage truck comes once a week to collect the rubbish ... but some still burn it ...
  4. If Putin and Min Aung Hlain join this meeting , please put some toxin in their food ...
  5. " Move foreward " is the only direction Thailand has to go to keep up with the upcoming changes ... Thai system of corruption and hypocrisy will make them become losers in a rapidly changing world . New faces , new ( better ) rules ... but , of course , there is something holding the progress back ... but still I see many good initiatives in sustainable economy coming up in Thailand . Good . Cannot give links here , not allowed ....
  6. And that is only the reported cases ... As Tarteso mentioned above , the key is in education , and the prospect of a better future ... but , in Thailand , many do seem to prefer the daily dose of Yaba and alcohol . Living just from day to day without any will or power to change this , they are bound for depression and mental problems .
  7. Asians like gambling , at least some ( a lot ) , do . Make Pattaya area a hub ' for thai controlled casinos . Billions in revenue ...
  8. What do you think Trump would have done if he was president instead of Biden ?
  9. Generalisations are never good , a lot of those russians may not be friends of Putin . Putin is a dictator , many in Russia want a regime change .
  10. Pheu Thai Party ... no comment . They should read the text and the limitations to foreign ownership as proposed by the government first ... Ridicolous . Wow , she should better keep her mouth closed . Convicted of encroachment herself , she has proven to be a greedy person who does not respect the law .
  11. 55 , sounds like a sleepy business ...
  12. LTR does not work as intended anyway . Ridiculous restrictions ... and only in specified areas , up to 1 rai ... Sometimes I think some law making members of the government should get their heads off the clouds and become a little more realistic ... LTR is bound for failure .
  13. Speak little is a quality . Hmm ... anyway , he is quite a progressive leader ... Progress is what is needed in a regressive society ...
  14. https://www.lazada.co.th//products/i1355318484-s3414418230.html?spm=a2o4m.cart.0.0.2aa96108FZEcq1&urlFlag=true Works fine for me . You can add as many as you want ( ? ) ... UBOX app . A little expensive , but worth the money .
  15. Good to know ... but Thailand is still xenophobic . In , for example , France , Thais can buy and own just a as a french person . Never heard anyone ( french ) complain about this . Open - minded society against narrow minded society ...
  16. The danger that people pose to people is much more real .
  17. To all the animal haters here : What meat will you eat when they're all gone ? Human meat , Cannibalism ? Most probably you'll turn into something like this : or this https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/animal-populations-faced-a-very-sharp-decline-since-1970-180980957/ Vertebrate wildlife populations across the globe have dropped dramatically over the past 50 years, according to a new World Wildlife Fund (WWF) report, published last week. Between 1970 and 2018, populations declined an average of 69 percent, the researchers say. “It is very much a red flag and a warning signal that… the life support system on Earth is in trouble,”
  18. Blabla ... far too many people already in this world ... why don't you go and help them ?
  19. It is useless and a waste of time to talk to dog haters and climate change deniers . We , by now , take care for about 25 soi dogs .In 2 walled in properties . I pay about 80000 baht a month to care for them . I love them all . They are loyal and protective .One even saved my wife's life by killing a cobra when my wife was gardening . It got bit and died . Very sad . To all dog haters here : I hope you get the same treatment as the one you propose for the soi dogs . Because , in no way , you are better than them . 55
  20. That , certainly , is reassuring ...
  21. Surprised the water is deep enough for that huge ship so close to the beach ...
  22. Leakage from the gas station ? If so , still lucky , could have been worse ...
  23. What a bout a phone ? Did she not have one ? No friends to call ? Strange story .. may be she is mentally handicapped and needs psychiatric help ?
  24. Very sad . I feel sorry for the gorilla for already 30 years in solitary imprisonment . What has it done to deserve this ? The thai laws allowing this should be modified . Animal torture is a crime .
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