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Everything posted by DrJack54

  1. @Nowaythatsreal your other threads eg one attached indicate you wish to exit Thailand and reenter visa exempt. Why now asking for reentry permit.
  2. https://www.diald.nu.ac.th/download/International Service/Overseas Staff/05 Re-Entry Permit/Form TM.8.pdf The form is double sided. You print it that way. Meaning end up with one sheet form.
  3. Bottom line is you have your permission of stay for next 12 months + . Small note for next extension. If you change from based on marriage to Retirement the 12 month extension will start from date of application and not date of current expiry.
  4. Pick above is BKK. Located Zone 2. After security check and PRIOR to passport control. The desk in pic is to left side of immigration lines Note at DMK the reentry permit desk is just PAST immigration passport control.
  5. That won't happen. If the desk was ever "unmanned" you would draw staff to the fact and an immigration officer will attend. It's bullet proof. They even provide a 200b option to fill in form + photo. Single reentry 1000b Multiple reentry 3800b Plus OPTIONAL service fee 200b
  6. No appointment for transferring stamps etc. You will be directed to L32-35 desks
  7. In reality the io most likely would accept photocopies of bank book pages for 2 months prior to application showing the 800+
  8. No. Just to clarify some terms. If you exit Thailand without a reentry permit your permission of stay ends. You then have two options. 1. Obtain Non O eVisa (marriage) 2. Enter Thailand visa exempt and obtain Non O marriage at local immigration office. You would already have a bank account so thinking # 1 is good option
  9. For once I agree with the io. You should have shown the 800k in bank for 2 months prior to application based on retirement. Financials are checked retrospectively.
  10. Apart from that note this cut/paste from AI (Oz embassy site states same). Think you will find same applies to affidavits/statutory declarations made at Canadian embassies. "Consular officials at Australian embassies and consulates will not witness statutory declarations for use outside of Australia"
  11. Good summary. There are many guys that while married to a Thai opt for extensions based on retirement for reasons you mention. You mention "intrusive" ...perhaps I'm odd in this regard in that the home visit would not sit well with me. The OP should be aware that while he can change the basis on what the extension is based on from Retirement to marriage. Note immigration prefer based on retirement as less work. Edit: Note to OP. Assume that you have been obtaining extensions and this will not be your FIRST extension. If someone obtains a Non O based on retirement then the very first extension must be based on retirement. After which they can change to based on marriage. This sometimes comes up with first extension from a Non O-A
  12. Offensive post along with reply removed
  13. That is exactly correct. And then Thai authorities want the embassies to "verify" what was stated in the affidavit or statutory declaration. Which of course they cannot do. The saying....."not worth the paper it's printed on" ....springs to mind..
  14. Comparing apples and oranges. The thread concerns fact that income letter will no longer be available from Canadian embassy in Thailand. In future those folk will need to show monthly transfers. 65k+ for extensions. Not Non O-A applications
  15. We will believe that when it happens. In any event not of concern for the OP. Thinking he could have made better plans.
  16. Your solution will not work. Adjust to living in Thailand without embassy income letter. fait accompli= done and dusted
  17. It's not cheating. You can do that zero issue. Read post from @flexomike above. You live on 40k a month then fine. Find it boring.
  18. Yep The old chestnut of revolving door ship funds in and back is a silly idea. It overlooks fact that you require funds to live ongoing in Thailand.
  19. Come on... The thread is about couple of agents that flagged issues with opening bank account that would in turn cause issue with obtaining Non O retirement. Hand holding (your situation) is done by all agents. Very small number of folk only need hand holding. BTW at agent fee of 2k that you mention is not the agents in this thread is Mots, Tic Tok, Maneerat etc. I know agents and aware of their client base profile.
  20. I left out one word... Should have stated "MOST Folk using agents don't have the 800k
  21. You don't have a visa. You have an extension of stay. Each your to extend the permission of stay you need it based on example retirement or marriage etc. You will be looking to change what your extension is based on. You will need to maintain the financial requirements for retirement until you apply for next extension. You will then present all the docs required for based on marriage. The Thai wife will need to be with you. Here is attached thread and in my first post I have links to other threads etc. Have a read of that info. Come back to this thread for further clarification if required. https://aseannow.com/topic/1314382-change-from-reirement-to-marriage-visa/ https://aseannow.com/topic/1282233-changing-visa-extension-based-on-retirement-to-marriage/ https://aseannow.com/topic/1329482-can-i-switch-back-from-extension-based-on-retirement-to-marriage/ https://aseannow.com/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=942532&key=2b9c0a3aeb8537d334f181402709b16c
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