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Everything posted by DrJack54

  1. Back in the time when there was triple entry tourist visas I was using them as I flew to Vietnam every month. At Saigon Thai consulate I was applying for this triple tourist visa the IO made this comment.... "You are over 50 next time need apply retirement visa" Obviously noting ongoing time spent in Thailand.
  2. Definitely airport good option. For my recent extension I opted to obtain the reentry permit at immigration on same visit as I plan to obtain new pp soon..ish..
  3. It's an open secret that Oz embassy want folk that apply in person to obtain photo from certain nearby shop to embassy.
  4. From the OP.... "I've been entering Thailand this way for over 10 years" The OP is NOT a tourist.. In future could consider ME non O retirement from Savannakhet or obtain non O and subsequent extension also multi reentry permit
  5. Not personally but this has come up even prior to covid. Oil gas etc workers for many years just obtained 30 day exempt. That is becoming not an option. In your case the io many have noticed the previous non O retirement. Knew you had visa option.
  6. That will work fine for you as you already have your new pp. Anyone that plans to obtain new pp should be aware that if you obtain the reentry permit at airport and subsequently obtain a new pp your local immigration office cannot transfer the stamp and will require traveling with both pp..
  7. Yes. 90 days from your enter is your new due date. Ignore email . Computer generated. I had same situation. If you do it online when window opens remember to type in your new "entry date" . The rest you can autofill
  8. Yes obtain TM30 from condo . Usually folk apply for 30 extension couple of weeks prior to expiry of permit. Good idea to make appointment. They word very well and yes you need to make hard copy of confirmation email. Time slot does not matter with appointment as they run on time. Just select what best suits you. Here is link for appointment. https://www.immigration.go.th/?page_id=20131
  9. Regards the reentry permit stamp. Did you obtain it at immigration office where it was issued? Meaning perhaps you obtained it at airport
  10. So let's understand your theory. If someone lives in Thailand on for example extensions based on retirement. How often can they change where they live to another province. I'm sure your answer will be hilarious.
  11. That could not occur. A non O-A visa is valid for one year and is a multi entry visa. No way known that a lease would be a requirement. In any event the OP has not contributed for 24 hr and never stated immigration office. Waste of time.
  12. Nonsense. Nothing stopping doing change of address to another province.. One rider on that is if you obtained non O in Thailand the first extension should be at same office. After that you can move and do change of address using TM30..and then apply for next extension at that office.
  13. Read my post. I suggested that it was your FIRST extension and yes indeed you confirmed it was. That was good option. Suggest that you could have obtained a 12 month extension even without lease. Having said that , the lease made it simple. The OP immigration office is a big secret so who knows.
  14. Assume it was not your first extension? If it was not you would know that lease was required. Please clarify
  15. No you are not. This is my vote for most ridiculous thread . A report of the process at that border crossing rather than $4.50 savings and underwear purchase would have been helpful. Please! Why a mod has not closed thread is surprising.
  16. Thankyou. Your post demonstrates that naming the particular immigration office can assist many. Regards your particular post re CW TM47 not required was the norm. In any event as stated by myself and several others , the OP not naming immigration office provides zero info. Bye bye to this thread.
  17. How remotely do your posts have to do with the OP. As pointed out, he does not have a Russian pp and such a sweet deal. Options are limited. No one in this thread interested in your plan for ED visa . Certainly not the OP
  18. There is no such thing as a retirement visa. You can obtain a non O visa then subsequent annual extensions. With that option you can buy a multi reentry permit and enter exit Thailand as often as you wish. Obviously you would need to be in Thailand for next annual extension. Other option is to obtain a ME Non O based in retirement from Savannakhet. That is a visa valid for 12 months and you need to exit Thailand every 90 days. You can exit Thailand and return same day. There are no restrictions of time out.
  19. I have just read several threads regarding extensions based on retirement at Jomtien have not read a post requiring rental contract.
  20. Indeed that would be easy option. Not boasting but we have few rentals. It's so so simple to provide a lease. Have one joint SA guy and another USA guy ... Could provide them with fictional 12 month lease in a blink.
  21. Is that a joke. From the OP when asked nationality... "Norwegian" News flash he is not a Russian
  22. INO very smart aleck post. Good for you. If you read the OP he has used his visa exempt entries via land this calendar year, so if tourist visa is denied then what next step? As a guide to others ...how have you managed 3 year stay. Granted covid amnesty and covid extensions would provide a swag of that. So to assist others ...having been in Thailand for 3 years what is you current status and next step. Currently two threads asking advice for extending their stay beyond approx 15 month
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