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Everything posted by DrJack54

  1. Read all immigration guidelines. The various visas such as non O attach a "based on" For non O there are various tags. Common ones are "based on retirement " and "based on marriage". Even the "based on marriage" is shorthand. Based on "over 50" is not mentioned. The over 50 is a requirement same as financials.
  2. Thai immigration refer to obtain "appropriate visa" . 10 years back I was obtaining triple entry tourist visas to Thailand from Saigon as I was traveling to Saigon every month at that time. I was over 50. The immigration officer at Thai consulate told me that I should have a retirement visa because I live Thailand. (shown by pp stamps) . Since visa exempt entries via air have no limit you could argue that I could live in Thailand visiting Vietnam every month. It won't work.
  3. Absolute nonsense. In your case you changed address. Yes a TM30 is required for change of address.
  4. Your post has no context or relevance Yes if dealing with CW with (for example) on a visa exempt entry and requiring a 30 day extension then yes a TM30 would be required. If in the example I gave of someone ongoing living in Thailand with continuous permission of stay then TM30 is not required after overnight stays is other provinces and international exit reentry.
  5. You do not need to be retired to obtain visa such as non O based on retirement and extensions from that visa based on retirement
  6. If your friend was after 9 month stay then METV would be best option.. For 6 months it's borderline Depends on personal circumstances
  7. Yes. Yes Yes Yes. However better to fly Bangkok to Udon Thani and do two border visa exempt entries.
  8. That is a rogue office. Not the only one. With reentry permit there is No WAY you need to do a new TM30. Just to demonstrate how ridiculous if you were were dealing with adjacent CW office a TM30 would not be required.
  9. This thread I posted in link to current thread It's years old. Join into current thread
  10. Suggest that you read post from moderator Pink Mist (page one) . Your post is off topic.
  11. In a nutshell. For those expats that have ongoing stay in Thailand on continuous permission of stay there is now Zero need to file new TM30 when returning to place of residence from inter province AND international travel. For run of the mill tourists they can ignore TM30 unless they have dealings with immigration such as 30 day extensions to visa exempt or tourist visa etc As usual the problem is that some (very few) immigration offices have ignored this change of rules. In addition the TM30 is now also used for change of residence for the expat group I referenced earlier. Just for one example. I personally have travelled to Oz last December. Travelled to Vietnam in Feb this year. Been to other provinces in Thailand. Not done ONE TM30. Ongoing extension with reentry permit. Dealing with CW TM30 not required. Recently done a TM47 and a certificate of residence. Also TDL. TM30 not required.
  12. Please share experience. KK was previously most go to imm office.
  13. Mainly because it's not some. It's most. I have contact with agents. Retirement extensions getting around financials is their bread and butter. Clearly you seem to have never contacted one. A reminder of the topic. This thread is specifically regarding extensions based on retirement.
  14. Yes. The reentry permit office is located Zone 2 after security check and PRIOR to passport control. BKK offer 200b service fee and that includes filling in TM8 including photo. Or print out a TM8 and have it filled in ready to hand over. 3800b multi and 1000b single reentry. It's quick and efficient.
  15. Back to the topic.... "Agent for retirement extension Bangkok" .... Most agents send pp up country for process. Even some folk in Bangkok use Pattaya agents.
  16. Purely so you can be familiar with ASEAN NOW....when you put someone on ignore their posts can be viewed. I never bother unless they quote me. As you did. Regards my posts that most agent assisted extensions based on retirement using money in the bank is to avoid actually having required funds in bank is obvious and a slam dunk. By comparison MUCH smaller number would just be for documentation assistance. In any event all off topic (as usual)
  17. Just use your common sense from reading all the threads regarding use of agents for extensions from a non O-A or non O based on retirement. MOST (without out a doubt) are using agent to avoid financial requirements for money in bank method. Some folk simplydon't have the funds and others that just don't wish to tie up money in a Thai bank with next to no interest. Then there is much smaller group that just like the assistance of an agent even though they pass all the requirements. Had you on ignore from long time ago. Move on
  18. Agents provide various levels of of service. And that was not outlined in the OP. Granted most of the time the client wants assistance with the financials. Money in bank method. However sometimes it is taking care of documentation etc. In some cases folk meet the financials however due to mobility issues etc want the assistance of an agent.
  19. No Fully explained and discussed in this attached thread. https://aseannow.com/topic/1169664-thai-immigration-announce-changes-to-tm30-reporting/
  20. Some folk don't have or don't want to keep funds in a Thai bank.. Up to the individual
  21. Does not specify if the OP needs to just have the financial requirements covered. OR Just a hand holding/organize docs etc
  22. Bangkok Buddy Tanya. OP, possibly help if you mention what service is required from the agent.
  23. OP, nothing has changed. Best to mention which method for financials you are using. Money in bank or income method
  24. The entry prior to refers to date you must enter by. Upon enter you are stamped in for 60 days and the visa is "used" There is a print photo stall lower level. In fact you can just hand them pp and tell them "extension for tourist visa" and you are covered
  25. The 30 days starts from expiry date of current permit. In other works you don't lose days applying early. TM7 is a two sided form. If you print out your own do it as double sided. The fee is 1900baht. Requires photo. One set of photocopies is fine. TM30. ID page of pp. Last entry stamp. Photocopy of visa. TM6 if entered via land border.
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