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Everything posted by DrJack54

  1. Then just go to the immigration office where you go for holiday and let em know about immigration rules.
  2. What does "non O based on retirement is due March" Guessing that you have an permit (extension) that expires March 2? You obtain your extension at immigration office where you live. You could do a TM30 (change of address) in order to apply for extension at Pattaya or Krabi. Will you have a lease for your 3 month address?
  3. If you have obtained a new pp since the original non O then they accept reference to it in new pp.
  4. You had information regarding the non O recorded in new passport. Your permit stamp for most recent extension was transferred along with reentry permit if you had one. The non O visa would have been expired and not transfered. Different to someone in situation of having a valid multi entry Visa. eg Valid non O-A visa, ME non O retirement or marriage etc
  5. Not being pedantic however in this thread it's important. You do not have a valid visa. You have a permit (permission of stay) and the stamp for most recent extension was transferred along with your multiple reentry permit last entry stamp etc. If you actually had a multi entry Visa such as a valid ME non O or a valid Non O-A etc then you travel with both passports
  6. Visas are not transfered. Most likely you have a permission of stay (extensions) from a non O. The stamp for the extension along with any reentry permit stamps etc are transfered. If someone has eg a Non O-A visa (not and extension) or Non O multi entry Visa etc , they are not transfered and you can travel with both passports.
  7. Can you link that. I haven't seen report for more than few months.
  8. Obviously the OP concerns are not about eg Banking. Moreso re international travel
  9. As you would be aware. The COR is mailed out and costs 200b. They state up to 2 weeks however most often ~5 days
  10. Perhaps this is helpful tip I needed to renew my TDL and as result needed COR. There is no appointment option for COR at CW. If your 90 day report window is open you can make appointment for TM47 and the lady at first two reentry permit desks (for appointments) will do the report then process the COR application. You need show both applications to que desk and they add note to ticket both applications. Edit: not sure you mentioned CW. Will leave post to assist others.
  11. Do you have options with the "other room" Example ask them about TM30. Some renters need this for eg folk on visa exempt looking for extension. You do not. Skip the TM30.
  12. That office has habit of requiring a TM30 to almost enter that joint. Suggest update your TM30
  13. Thinking that covers it. As I posted the print joints lower level know exactly what is required. BTW re banking ...when same level you obtain bank letter to confirm ownership of account make a small deposit to show activity. Many folks at CW only require photocopies of bank book pages to show compliance. In my case two months had no activity and was made to provide 12 month statement. Strange as the previous 10 extensions with some months no activity I had no issue.
  14. Just to clarify: so your bank provided a 12 month bank statement "on the spot"? Some banks can do that eg Kasikorn. Others eg BBL cannot. Re 90 day report a TM47 will be required for anyone that has been continuously for 90 days
  15. Yes up to 45 days early. I personally was asked for 12 month bank statement last 2 extensions. However others have reported photocopies of bankbook pages sufficient. I also use funds in bank method. TM47 definitely required. Re any other doc: some folk supply TM30. I never have. Note I do provide lease. Re other passport page photocopies. Go downstairs to copy/print places and hand over pp and say "retirement extension" they will copy what you need. https://aseannow.com/topic/1284163-202223-bkk-cw-retirement-extension-report/ https://aseannow.com/topic/1294544-report-extension-non-o-retirement-bank-method-at-cw/
  16. OP, you have zero concerns. Which immigration office do you deal with? Regarding 90 day report do that via mail or online. Obviously using your registered address
  17. And requires insurance along with any future extensions requiring insurance. Not best option..
  18. Think you are asking where/how can you obtain a non O based on retirement. That can be obtained at Thai consulate/embassy or from visa exempt or tourist visa entry at your local Thai immigration office
  19. Repeating it was triggered by your comment that... TGF can "handle it" which I found sorta silly. In face immigration will notice that you have previously had 12 month extensions based on retirement. When living in Thailand ongoing some immigration officers don't like ongoing back to back entries. Depends a lot on time spent out of Thailand. Even roster workers month on/off can be hassled.
  20. You stated in one part of the OP... "wondering if I can expect any problems down the track if I ditch doing the yearly retirement extensions" Sounds like a plan to me .."IF I ditch," My advice was bad move. And you will eventually end up with problems.
  21. I answered this in other thread you asked. This attached thread seems to indicate almost extinct species. Haven't even seen recent reports of them even from Savannakhet. Places like London eVisa removed them from menu. https://aseannow.com/topic/1313316-multi-entry-non-o-retirement-visa/
  22. Multi entry non O retirement (one year visa) is available in very few places now. Where would you be hoping to apply? For a single entry non O you can obtain that in a Thai consulate/embassy (good option) or in Thailand from a visa exempt or tourist visa entry. In the last 30 days of that 90 day stamp you can apply for 12 months extension however has financial requirements.
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