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Everything posted by DrJack54

  1. When I first came to Thailand I was traveling a Lot (new to world of travel). Lived in Bangkok but out/back to Thailand every month or so. In those days you could obtain triple entry TV to Thailand. Eventually the io at Saigon Thai consulate stated...." No more tourist visa for you. You live Thailand and over 50. Get retirement visa" In recent years even some oil gas workers getting hassled using visa exempt entries. If the funds in the bank is the issue you could consider agent. Stick with extensions retirement imo.
  2. You certainly will have issues with your plan. Especially if entering ongoing via air visa exempt. Best to stick with annual extensions based on retirement with a multi reentry permit. Advice above from @Moonlover is on the money.
  3. Ignore my advice by all means. Here is a cut and paste from ubonjoe regarding this topic.... "How about this from a embassy website. Travelers entering Thailand under the Tourist Visa Exemption Scheme must possess adequate cash of or equivalent to 20,000 Baht per person or 40,000 Baht per family." Source: https://thaiembdc.org/visaexemption I have read many posts over the years of people being told cash only." Note: the amounts have changed. Apps and bank books etc don't cut it. Rarely asked for however recommended if entering visa exempt
  4. Indeed. Some immigration offices same as CM ....some often 30 days from application. The return stamp date will indicate
  5. The first part of your post correct. Immigration will look for previous 60 day extension. It will be denied
  6. Rather than delete your post. For others... Entering Thailand visa exempt immigration can ask for proof of funds. 10k individual (some entry points) and 20k for families. Rarely asked for. Please stop poorly informed posting
  7. Keep it simple. What type of visa do you have. Maybe PE or....? There is no such thing as retirement visa Basically you are asking if you can obtain extension 65 days prior to expiry. You will not receive definitive answer in this forum. Visit your immigration office for advice or deal with agent.
  8. You have habit of poorly informed posts. Your bank app or even physical bank book would be declined at immigration. As pointed out in above post.. rarely asked for.
  9. The OP has not indicated that he has an LTR. What status do you have in Thailand. LTR?
  10. Bit off topic and I'm biased. Just never understand the urgency. Flights to Saigon are cheapish and easy bus airport to Bui Vien tourist area. I go every few months. Many countries visa exempt to Vietnam
  11. I wouldn't do it. Depends what the "run" is for. If eg someone has a ME non O visa or a non O-A visa etc then no problem. Most border runs are for visa exempt entry. Immigration at Thai airports can frown on that same day return for VE entry. Also may/will require onward flight. I can never understand the urgency. Why not spend a few days at places such as Saigon and return after few days.
  12. Most common method. Requires 400k in Thai bank account in your name only and seasoned for 2 months prior to application and maintained during the under consideration period. After which can be used as you wish
  13. If you have previously obtained a 60 day extension to visit wife you cannot obtain a second 60 day extension to your current permission of stay.
  14. At CM you can apply for extension 45 days prior to expiry of your current permit (it's not a visa) Immigration may allow you to apply early. Supporting info such as flights etc would help. Assume that your extensions are based on retirement.
  15. Done with trying to provide sensible advice. If the paperwork along with wife attending immigration etc is too inconvenient then do what some married guys do.... Do extensions based on retirement. Yes unattractive financials compared to extensions based on marriage
  16. His advice is actually spot on. For future ME Non O you will require 400k in bank. Otherwise get used to obtaining a NEW single entry non O every 3 months or every 5 if every single time you extend your 90 day stamp with a 60 day extension. Talk about making simple into difficult.
  17. Now I understand. However note that the financials for multi entry non O visa has changed as outlined in @Liquorice post above. Perhaps a better option is to obtain 12 month extensions. If you require time to organize the funds re seasoning etc you could consider border bounce and enter visa exempt (60 days) The process from VE to non O and subsequent 12 month extension outlined in this thread. https://aseannow.com/topic/1315828-visa-exempt-to-90-day-non-o-spouse-visa-conversion-in-thailand/
  18. Return on investment. OP no sense in buying if the property is for yourself. Better off renting. Condos in particular are often not easy to sell. I have purchased a few but not to live in or sell in future. I put them in my long term Thai partner name. (yes gifted).
  19. If I'm reading your OP correctly you are obtaining ongoing (back to back) non O based on marriage. Where from? That provides a 90 day stamp. You then do what, obtain 60 day extension to visit wife or exit to obtain another non O or....?
  20. You do realize that the 400k only needs to be in the bank for 2 months plus under consideration period and then can be used for living expenses. You seem to have a very convoluted plan of living ongoing in Thailand. The thread link posted in first reply covers requirements etc for 60 day extension.
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