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Everything posted by DrJack54

  1. Completely irrelevant. Many folk have been asked to show funds. Granted rare. Down to history in Thailand back to back visa exempt via air. Suggest you research threads
  2. Exactly. Showing funds is rarely asked for. In most cases it's down to back to back visa exempt entries via air.. Some would suggest it's a ploy to refuse entry. There is ZERO option to show a bank app or whatever. CASH.
  3. Read post above yours from @Liquorice That is correct information. Your posts are not
  4. I'm not much help however be aware that 400k in bank now required. Also both consulates you mention require appointment
  5. The OP indicates that his main concern re financials (400k) is down to taxation worries. Has indicated can transfer required funds from UK. This is clearly his best option. Stick with ongoing extensions based on marriage. Note related however few hours ago transfered 400k from Oz using WISE. Time less than an hour (much)
  6. Some off topic posts removed. Address the OP
  7. From the OP ..... "I'd rather not stay overnight." You personally find no problem to stay 2 nights is irrelevant and off topic. Sensible advice to OP would be to consider border with no need to stay 2 nights. Nong Khai perhaps. Try address the topic in various threads.
  8. So the OP asks if can avoid overnight stay and you chime in with what advice ?..... "I don't see the problem to stay 2 nights..."
  9. Forget the "slip" Open the link I posted and read penalties regarding TM47 compliance Here it is for second time. https://bangkok.immigration.go.th/en/tm47online-manual/ "Failure to notify or late notification must notify in person and pay a fine of 2,000 baht, rising to 5,000 baht if apprehended."
  10. Couple of posts re legality or otherwise of agents removed. Off topic
  11. That amount is if someone is arrested. If just attending immigration and paying fine for filing late TM47 then the penality is 2000b
  12. https://bangkok.immigration.go.th/en/tm47online-manual/ Open that link and everything you want to know about TM47 is outlined. Including penalties.
  13. That looks like some rubbish by local immigration office and refers to "if arrested" Here is what is stated in immigration site for TM47..... "If a foreigner staying in the kingdom over 90 days without notifying residence to immigration officer or notifying later than the set period, must notify in person and a fine of 2,000.- THB will be collected. If a foreigner who did not make the notification of staying over 90 days is arrested, he/her will be fined not less than 4,000.- THB with an additional fine not exceeding 200.- THB for each day which passes until the law is complied with."
  14. And what happened with my io at CW was that a 12 month bank statement WAS required. Reason given was a month with zero activity. Your point? Luck of the draw when it comes to immigration. The only thing consistent is inconsistency
  15. That and in addition immigration prefers extensions based on retirement. Less paperwork. Regards your other post referring to taxation I would worry about that when/if occurs. Think if you can bring 400k from UK then that would be best option. Actually I'm in similar situation. Actually only have 400k in my thai bank and need 800k for extension retirement seasoned for two months. Transferring 400k+ today using WISE from Oz. Will land in my Thai bank in quick time. In couple of months trot off to CW for extension
  16. Here is one thread that outlines visa exempt to non O marriage and extension. That OP required opening bank account so some posts irrelevant to your situation. https://aseannow.com/topic/1315828-visa-exempt-to-90-day-non-o-spouse-visa-conversion-in-thailand/ Not possible to borrow the 400k. It's only required for 2 months.? Could most likely skip maintaining over under consideration period.
  17. Yes can change what the extension is based on eg retirement to marriage and other way round
  18. If you opt to use agent for an extension retirement then when year is up and extension due to expire you would best advised to exit Thailand and reenter visa exempt and obtain new non O based on marriage. In other words start over.
  19. You were told correctly. The only assistance agent can do with extension marriage is hand holding excerise
  20. Indeed the agent will cover the 800k for extension based on retirement. OP....how long do you need to obtain the 400k You could obtain 60 day extension to visit wife. Followed by border bounce enter visa exempt+ 30 day extension+ 60 day visit wife then obtain non O (marriage) at immigration and subsequent 12 month extension. Very messy but an option
  21. Agent won't cover the financials for extension based on marriage. Will suggest if over 50 to do extension based on retirement
  22. Stop childish bickering. Further nonsense removed
  23. Again just one person's opinion. I think the 60 days is a temporary change. Otherwise the visa options would need to change. As it stands currently a SETV is redundant. Extensions based on retirement are straight forward especially if you just lock away 800k in an FD account. Far less paperwork than extensions marriage.
  24. Yes and not difficult. Plenty of threads outlining process from visa exempt entry to non O retirement and subsequent extension. So in that sense you are not burning bridges. The extension retirement is bullet proof. Pity that multi entry non O retirement is difficult to obtain now.
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