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Everything posted by DrJack54

  1. Missed that. Yes he obtains extension where he is living.
  2. Also Your wife must be with you when you apply for the extension.
  3. Yes to both questions Extension to visa exempt is done at IT Mall Laksi. Appointment is possible. Note leaving extension till last day possible is not a smart idea. Added edit: my post referring to Bangkok immigration not necessary
  4. You do not need to obtain a new non O. You can change the basis on what the extension is based on. Back and forth in your example. With regards money in the bank you would only require the 400k (for marriage);in bank for 2 months prior application. Personally I would suggest that you follow the rules for retirement right up to day of application. Meaning 800k 2 months prior. The reason is that it covers both options and you are covered if there is any issue. (won't be) After extension based on marriage is obtained and under consideration period you can use the funds as you wish.
  5. BKK along with DMK had bit of a "crackdown" just prior to covid and yes reports of a few refused entries. Some were many entries and short turn around. Even now we see posts of some folk planning on fly out and back even same day. IMO that's asking for trouble. One guy even did that with his elderly mother. Think it was to Singapore. Crazy. She was admitted after bit of ordeal. In your situation you will have been out of Thailand for ~4 months. Would not be an issue. You may as well have the 20k with you and be ready for the questions that appear on (suspended) arrival card. Where you stay. How long. etc.
  6. You need a non O visa based on retirement. Doesn't seem available in Singapore from link you posted. The non O retirement gives you a 90 day stamp when you enter Thailand. You would need to place 800k baht into a Thai bank account in your name only and in last 30 days with the money having been in the bank for 2 months you could obtain a 12 month extension. It's not a retirement visa. It's a permission of stay that you can extend each following year. It has ongoing financial requirements regarding maintaining funds in the bank. BTW you only needed to do a border bounce and enter visa exempt (45 days) and obtain the non O retirement and subsequent extension at immigration office in Thailand.
  7. You are correct. I was thinking of non O retirement from Oz. Also Savannakhet also requires the 800k.
  8. I actually use 600k+ in FD account along with 200k+ in savings account. She was not interested in checking the FD. Just quick glance. Her concerns were some months in the savings account did not have any entries.
  9. You mention CW and also bank statements using money in the bank method. Previously CW accepted photocopies of bank book pages showing 12 months. There were few reports of statements required but that was down to consolidated transactions. Last November (out of the blue) they wanted bank statements for 12 months for my annual extension. The reason that they gave is that some months had not transaction entries. I use a dedicated bank account with 800k + all year round. Often without any entries. (accepted for previous several years no problem) I get the impression that bank statements will become a universal requirement. Quite ridiculous.
  10. Yes it is guess work. The OP states that he is currently in Thailand. My GUESS is that he has a non O based on retirement that he entered Thailand with that visa and no intention of seeking an extension. Plan may be to exit Thailand and obtain another non O retirement. If that's the case then Vientiane or Savannakhet would be good options or border bounce for a visa exempt entry+ extension and even a non O in Thailand after that. Plenty of options but mystery without details.
  11. In that case apply for passport renewal asap. Good you have enough time. A month prior to expiry attend immigration for your extension. Go to desk for stamp transfers first and then desk for extension.
  12. Some recent discussion of METV in this thread. https://aseannow.com/topic/1280542-metv-visa-staying-in-thailand-for-up-to-9-months/
  13. When you receive your METV it will have a period of validity. You need to exit and reenter just prior to it's expiry date. You don't want to apply too early for the METV.
  14. Why did you even start this thread. Fake news and panic in the extreme.
  15. Of course it is. The OP posted about a particular immigration office and even more so a particular immigration officer that appears well known by reading supporting posts. Then you post your personal experience. I have in the main had excellent experience at CW My experience is completely irrelevant to the thread.
  16. I meant stop nonsense. Put yourself in OP situation. It's a bit like any office that imposes their own nonsense requirements. Personal experience elsewhere is irrelevant. So just outline how your outcome would be different to the that if the OP at his immigration office and that particular officer. Please don't reply dial 1178. Time for ignore
  17. This is just one snippet from your pearls of wisdom directed to a poster. Hopefully with your guidance we can all follow your personal road map of the righteous. Quite funny really.
  18. Please stop. The immigration officer that the OP dealt with is very well known. Bottom line your good manners would have achieved zero with this person. The OP had a fall back option which was to apply for 60 day extension. Your personal experience at another office another officer counts for zero.
  19. Nice sugarcoat. Scene of reality. Hopefully the OP will get a laugh. https://images.app.goo.gl/fXYPyQB8HbbqSbU39
  20. You are over simplifying few things. Just one example is to use monthly income (without embassy letter) would need to show 12 months of transfers. To obtain a non O in Thailand he would need 15 days+ remaining on his permit . At this point not sure what he has. A non O obtained in consulate outside of Thailand does not require 800k .
  21. How long is shortly. You should have already obtained passport renewal and transfer your current extension stamp and information regarding your non O. Then you just apply for new extension as per normal. I believe passport renewals are currently taking quite some time. Why does your pp expire along with your permission of stay?
  22. Pretty sure you go to your own bank. Here is an advice I was referring to printed by someone's bank (not mine) and that satisfied immigration. https://aseannow.com/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=776216
  23. Your bank will best advise. They can give you a "credit advice" that will show what is required. I have seen the doc Bangkok Bank provides. Will try and find it and post. The "bank letter" is simply a statement that contains balance on day you request it and more importantly states that you are the owner of the account. The bank will know what you need for immigration.
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