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Everything posted by DrJack54

  1. Which border BTW ...you reentered visa exempt with 30 day stamp.
  2. As I mentioned earlier or perhaps in another thread. I wish I had never got sucked in by the "temporary suspension" to 90 day reporting during amnesty period covid. Then immigration Bangkok insisted on anyone who skipped 90 report must make one in person during August 2020. So from a guy that then made a trip from Koh Samet to Mueang Thong Thani.....and back. No I do not appreciate any temporary suspension. Thai never think things through. As someone else posted ..wait and see what individual immigration offices do in the future. Arrival card is a nothing. Scrap or leave the damn thing alone.
  3. If it's a step forward then why refer to it as "temporary suspension"
  4. Using that logic they would have done away with 90 day reporting long ago.
  5. OP, You have posted this previously. Think you are better off in marriage divorce forum.
  6. My concern is that what happens when the "temporary suspension" is lifted and those that live here who left and reentered and not given a tm6 find themselves requiring one 'down the track'. I can just imagine immigration at that time saying ...."no problem visit immigration to obtain tm6" Immigration think a visit to their office is like a walk to 7/11 for an ice cream.
  7. I think the thread is more about obtaining the eVisa say in London but then entering thailand from some other country. For example obtain an e-visa from London while you are in say Saigon and using the eVisa to enter Thailand.
  8. Nup, still required. Seems they have lightened up on the hand drawn bit. My condo has a flyer with map on back. CW accept that.
  9. The OP is asking about a 5 month trip. What "proper long term visa" do you suggest. BTW don't think he mentioned being 50+ or married to a Thai. Easy options for 5 month + stay that does not involve long term option
  10. No, you do not need to book a hotel or even put the address of your rented hotel. Any address will suffice on the arrival card, which BTW is currently suspended. So fly in obtain your visa exempt entry that can be extended by 30 and enjoy. Having the onward flight within the 30 is wise in case airline at boarding insists upon it.
  11. Google "CBUS returns last 10 years". Very conservative Oz industry super fund. Average closer to 10%> In any event. Off topic. Agent option there for those that want to use it.
  12. You could spend more than that by putting 800k into basic investments and paying 15-20k for ongoing extensions to an agent. It's called opportunity cost 101. The assumption that folk use an agent because they cannot afford the 800k only applies to some. BTW ...I use 800k+ in bank account.
  13. The OP would require a bank account (most likely) then a non O and finally a 12 month extension. That should be ~ 30k + For annual ongoing extensions then yes 15k reasonable. Esp Pattaya agents.
  14. Think you raise very valid point. It's one thing for immigration at airport to stop issuing TM6. Point is does that automatically flow through. Recent post in thread regarding this was about hotel owner insisting on tm6 to file the TM30. This is all just soooo Thailand.
  15. Your post makes outlines good option for the kewi. Just to note it's only UK, USA and AU that stopped the provision of income letter. There are MANY countries that provide this letter.
  16. I'm not aware of any agents providing that service in recent years. Perhaps @ThaiVisaCentre Can correct me.
  17. You can bounce same day no problem. I'm not familiar with Malaysia crossings. Think one required minimum one night stay? That might be out of date info. In any event for most you can reenter straight away.
  18. Indeed it was Bangkok. The bottom line is that myself and many others had to go in person to MTT at the time. Personally I don't trust the suspension of tm6. For tourists fine, for those that live in Thailand I can imagine being asked to attend immigration for a tm6 if you don't have one and require one for eg residence certificate etc.
  19. Yes you can bounce and reenter 30 day visa exempt. You can do that twice per calendar year. The only way to obtain a 60 stamp is to obtain a SETV and that would require overnight minimum. Best option for 5 months would be setv + 30 day extension+ one border bounce+ 30 day extension. All up approx 5 months
  20. With your travel pattern, only staying a weekend, you should not have an issue. Having said that the oil and gas workers were (not all) using visa exempt entry. Perfect for one month in one out. Immigration started to suggest they should have marriage extensions if married. Similarly it may be suggested to you are some point. Can't imagine refused entry.
  21. Does anyone recall when 90 day reports were suspended during amnesty period. Then later immigration made an announcement that anyone that had skipped reports needed to report to immigration. Think it was August 2020. Rule #1 ..never assume immigration has a clue.
  22. That has always been the case. It's more of an issue for folk living in Thailand and have required the tm6 for some interactions with immigration.
  23. So many errors in your post it's just not worth correcting them.
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