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Everything posted by DrJack54

  1. Thanks. That's my current mantra. And happy to read that given your expertise. I'm setting number of walks per day. So currently 4x 100m walks per day. Prior to all this I had noticed old age creeping in. Once tripped over slightly raised platform at home pro. Recently same walking along street with slightly uneven path. Yes I'm being very careful. The rails would not be possible in hallway however I feel quite steady there. Taking it slowly. As mentioned in a previous post .. I can't stress enough for others going through this in future to organize your living space as much as possible to make moving about easy as possible. Progress is incremental but you can feel the improvement in some very simple ways.
  2. That's fine for obtaining the non O at consulate, which gives you a permission of stay of 90 days. For the subsequent 12 month extension you will require the money in bank
  3. The OP asked about changing from a non O-A to a non O without exiting Thailand. Can not be done.
  4. One of the married guys will advise. Recently I have had chats with guy that did a rush marriage here with same pathway that your friend is planning to non O. Was amazed how quickly it was all possible. Edit: just checked my pm,s... "So, married on the 19th May and marriage extension approved on 7th June making 19 days from start to finish"
  5. I did my previous post at same time as your post. He will obtain non O in Thailand having entered on tourist visa. Visa exempt is also possible but he is not even married at this time. To obtain the non O marriage he requires 400k on day of application. The non O grants a 90 day permission of stay. With fund having been in the bank for 2 months he would obtain 12 month extension. Note the non O requires 15+ days remaining on permit. I suggest he enter on tourist visa and obtain 30 day extension to provide time. Apart from all that he should check what he needs for marriage. For example "right to marry" Might be best to obtain in Oz prior to travel. There is marriage and divorce forum and lots of info there.
  6. OP, ubonjoe answer has covered your questions You mention OP being on pension and possibly staying in 2 different locations. If possible it would be best to choose immigration office where he intends to obtain his extension each year. Having stated that he can change his immigration office with a change of address. Personally I would go for the money in bank option. It basically ties up 400k baht for two months + under consideration period each year. So total 3 months. Then can be used. It's not clear if your friend already has a non O marriage. Is he currently in Thailand.
  7. Not possible. Border runs not that difficult now. TP and insurance requirement about to end. Exit and reenter at land border visa exempt. Apply for non O at Thai immigration and subsequent 12 month extension.
  8. You could do that. I did for years. Think limit of using your foreign drivers license is 6 months. However obtaining a 2 yr TDL is a simple process. She can either use her Oz DL to obtain a TDL in name on that Oz license or obtain a license with her Thai ID. Forget notion of international driving license.
  9. OP, you can enter Thailand on a visa exempt or tourist visa and obtain a non O retirement. Your entry visa exempt or tourist visa can be extended by 30 days. You would require 800k in bank in Thai bank account in your name only on the day you apply. You would need to apply for the non O with 15+ days remaining on your permission of stay. One small catch 22 is opening a bank account quickly. An agent can assist with that. Siam Legal being one agent.. The non O gives you a 90 day stay. In the last 30 days of that permit (money having been in bank for 2 months+) obtain a 12 month extension. No insurance requirement. Forget idea of a non O-A.
  10. Thank you to the guys above. These type of posts imo show the good of AseanNow and receiving advice and encouragement. Without sounding negative I suggest that age has a lot to do with it. One post mentions 53yrs old. Perhaps it's just me but I can assure you that in some cases (certainly myself) the change in your body can be DRAMATIC say from 65 to 68. Certainly was in my case. I'm just now getting in and out of bed unassisted. Yesterday I measured out my hallway (counting the 600mm tiles). So each hall run is 90m. I'm managing 4 runs with a walker, per day. I guess from above replies some are doing that without walker. I'm so far off that it's light years.
  11. A very popular method of transfer is using WISE. Folk should be aware that changes to rules were made early this year. As a result some will want to choose a bank from list of 3..... You can send up to 2 million THB per transfer. Please note that you’ll be able to send 50,000 THB or above per transfer only to the following banks starting from 7 January 2022 due to regulatory changes: Bangkok Bank Public Company Kasikorn Bank Siam Commercial Bank You can still send money to recipient accounts that use other banks, but you’ll only be allowed to send them up to 49,999 THB per transfer. There’s no limit on how many transfers you can create
  12. Why would immigration want to see your lastest 90 report. If was needed just show screenshot on phone. If was needed for something like a residence certificate then there are photo/print joints everywhere. They can print out you 90 receipt.
  13. No you exit towards end of your 60 day extension without reentry permit and enter with your ME non O. You will be stamped in for 90 days and that can be extended by 60 to visit wife.
  14. You would be extending your permission of stay. You can either extend by 60 to visit wife or obtain a 12 month extension based on marriage using money in bank method. Why not do a 60 extension and a border run after that. Obtain the 12 month extension as late as possible.
  15. I stated "visa". I'm not referring to extension. A valid visa could be for example non O-A or ME non O or tourist visa etc. With a valid visa or reentry permit an onward flight is not required.
  16. Each entry from a tourist visa or visa exempt can be extended by 30 days. Visa exempt entry via land are limited to 2 per calendar year.
  17. Thankyou. These couple of posts already giving me a push to try harder. Did you mention how old you were when you had the replacement. I guess like most you had a period of time before it became necessary.
  18. Woooh....wasn't expecting that. So sat night will be my 5th at home. I was saying to Thai partner that I wouldn't be surprised if lot of folk don't fall over. I actually cut right back yesterday and only did one up and back hallway. The day before did 4 times that but at night had bit similar to muscle spasms in calf's. Having DVT couple of times and a pulmonary embolism, I was nervous as very similar feeling.. I take on board what you are saying. I have seen the forearm crutches that you mention. Guessing you mean 3 weeks + or so post op. Currently I'm 10 nights PO. Thanks for your help.
  19. How did you enter Thailand? If with reentry permit you do nothing. If new visa or visa exempt you need to file a TM30. Regarding your 90 day report. Your clock started on date of your entry. Do your next report within 90 days from your reentry date.
  20. It can be required by airline at departure to issue boarding pass. It would only be asked for visa exempt. With a visa or reentry permit the airline would not ask for onward flight.
  21. Currently required. When are you planning to enter Thailand?
  22. Short update on self funded hip joint replacement. So the "package" which includes operation and 5 nights in flash private room with all the bells and whistles was 350k baht. Not included is post op daily visits (checks) by your Doctors. In my case 2 separate issues. One obviously for the hip and one due to past DVT and PE issues. This all added up to another 40k. So 390k all up. Regardless if you are self funded or using insurance I suggest you do a lot of planning ahead. The assistance from a partner or carer is imo almost essential. With the flash room and sleeping facilities along with all the extras etc for my partner that was a godsend. I live in a condo and while it's large it is a studio. As a result it is extremely easy to move about the room. Also a bonus is the hallways from the room which enables easy access to walking with frame. We have a townhouse and if we were living there I would seriously have rented a condo as described above. I won't sugar coat it....The recovery is not pleasant. Guess also depends on your size. At 180 and 95kg the rest of my joints and muscles are complaining about the added work load. On the + side the area of hip and operation has no pain at all. If anyone has tip or two about recovery that would be good. Couple of earlier posts re rehab were very helpful.
  23. Did you consider obtaining a 60 day extension to visit wife. You could then buy a reentry permit to protect that extension. After return you could obtain 12 month extension.
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