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Everything posted by DrJack54

  1. No need to get touchy. Folk read the threads for correct information. Your exit in 57 days is irrelevant. You could have purchased 30 day insurance to cover TP requirements. End of.
  2. You would have received the extra 4 months if your pp validity was 12+ months past your previous admitted till date. You would have been aware of the issue with passport renewal turn around time. Sadly I don't see an easy solution. This is not just UK passports. In Oz last night news item referring to massive blow out in wait for passports. To be fair obviously New PP different to renewal. Hopefully someone has a suggestion. Personally I would be looking at flights to UK..
  3. Obtaining the non O doesn't mean you have to obtain a 12 month extension. Think you pointed out one option of a non 0 from visa exempt or TV + obtain a 60 day extension to visit wife. So roughly 1+1+3+2 months. The non O obtained at immigration in Thailand requires 400k in bank on day you apply. 800k for retirement. One small difference is that for retirement the 800k needs to show to have come from abroad, where as for marriage that is not required. Don't think the OP has indicated desired length of stay. He would obtain better advice if he had. Perhaps I missed it. From post #1 I asked.... "All depends on how long you wish to visit Thailand."
  4. Indeed.... the non O marriage or retirement can be obtained from a visa exempt entry or a tourist visa entry..
  5. That's from a news article in the Thaiger. Doesn't mean much.
  6. Misinformation? You only needed to obtain 30 day cover.
  7. I'm referring to non O marriage obtained at immigration in Thailand. Regarding your other question about tourist visa. You can obtain a 30 day extension in addition to 60 day extension to visit wife.
  8. Snap. That's my situation regarding the super in Oz. At this stage haven't taken that path of transfers for income method and instead use the money in bank method. The point I was making is that for anyone obtaining non O retirement in Thailand and then subsequent extension, unless your government provides income letter (Oz do not) then the only way for first extension is to use money in bank method.
  9. DrJack54


    OP, not really addressing your question but had to remove a one year old kitchen couple of days ago. Replacing kitchen with concrete kitchen ..
  10. Without being prepared to obtain a non O you would next opt for a tourist visa. It depends on how long you wish to visit Thailand. A tourist visa provides 60 day stay and can be extended by 30 days. In addition you can obtain 60 day extension to visit wife So that's 5 months approx. For a non O you only require 400k in a Thai bank account in your name only on day of application. That provides a 90 day stay. As for driving license you can obtain one on a tourist visa but difficult in Bangkok as a residence certificate is required and you need to have made a 90 day report. As for residency rights ..Dream on. We (in the main) are living in Thailand on temporary permission of stay. That includes married guys. The multi entry reference is bit irrelevant since if that is required you purchase a reentry permit. I like the expat discount price bit. Visit a national park and see how that works for entry fee. You could look into multi entry Non O marriage. All depends on how long you wish to visit Thailand.
  11. No. Your situation is all good. The guy you quoted is obtaining a non O visa. Proof that the funds came from abroad is not required for extensions. It is required for applying for non O retirement. Generally if those funds have been in bank for some period of time it's accepted and does not require proof it came from abroad. Immigration in his case required it.
  12. So what is details of how you obtain extension using income method. What is passport country.
  13. What's your point. Yes it's up to the individual. Why do AseanNow posters need to impose their opinion re agents. Dont like em then don't use em. Want to use agent then fine. As the saying goes "up to you"
  14. Thanks for reply. The 3 months prior is a nonsense, however bottom line is folk have two choices if dealing with that rubbish office. Accept their 3 month rubbish or use an agent.
  15. Very naive post imo. First up I do not use agents However many have for many years and certainly not because they cannot afford the 800k money in bank option. Your type about 90 reports etc shows you don't know much about how it works. Yes they are obtained upcountry. KK in the main. Zero issues
  16. I'm hearing you. I've been bit spoilt in my time in los. Have only ever dealt with CW have found them good to deal with. You don't get various rubbish requirements as per some offices, such as Jomtien report back after 3 months for money in bank. Monty Python stuff. If I had to deal with a rubbish office I would agent for sure.
  17. As mentioned earlier so immigration offices make up their own rules. Damn ridiculous imo. You need to be aware of your imm office. It's not just the small ones. Think CM might be requiring Tm30 when they should not.
  18. Also if entered on new visa or visa exempt. You would need a new TM30 in that case. However the OP has reentry permit so not required.
  19. Just putting this one in the mix. Saigon. Easy flight and nice helpful consulate. Easy transport from airport to district 1. They do tourist visa overnight. Drop off AM and pick up next day PM Not sure of entry requirements to Vietnam and have been asking about that. Depending upon pp country you may be entitled to 14 day visa exempt entry.
  20. That is very disappointing and imo unfair. Which immigration office? Hopefully you can obtain records of transfers from abroad.
  21. Indeed.... One account opened was 12 years ago. Skip that as much has changed. Then this one..... . "I showed my passport and a copy of the chanote for my condo and they gave me a bank account immediately (Krungsi)"... When was this account opened and where. The thing is you had a chanote as condo owner. Perhaps reason why you obtained bank account. Presumably you still had the other bank account from 12 years ago. In any event don't think your circumstances are the typical joe that has a visa exempt stamp in his pp and wants to open a bank account. No condo ownership and no previous bank account. As I have pointed several times (as this thread keeps coming up) many are needing bank account as pathway to non O. Granted the OP didn't indicate he is after a non O. Have asked the OP to report back with his experience in Pattaya of opening Bank account on TV and even suggested a particular bank that being Kasikorn. Hopefully an agent will not be required and also insurance not required.
  22. Strange that post brings two laugh emoji but typical. I have opened 2 bank accounts. One approx 10 years ago on tourist visa. Most recent 2and half years ago. The second was with Kasikorn bank in local mall. Note for the second one I had a non O and extentions from that for several years. I provided a lease but cannot recall if it was required. Bangkok Bank were adamant they required a residence certificate or statement from my embassy. (note my Oz embassy does not provide that service). Back to the one 10 years ago. Yes I took Thai school teacher companion with me and she had account at that bank. No good. Tried many banks over days. Ended up opening one at big office for Krungthai near Soi 3 Nana.. The breakthrough there was they required me to sign form that no interest was to be paid. In those days interest rates were much more than current. I wasn't interested in rates. In recent times it's been popular pathway to a non O to arrive in Thailand visa exempt or tourist visa. The issue is the bank account needs to be opened quickly. In Bangkok it would be extremely difficult. The OP is in Pattaya and I have suggested he try a few banks with his TV and he might get lucky. If not, agent option is available.
  23. When. Which bank. What paperwork was required. Be specific to assist OP.
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