Find some aspects of your post bit strange.
Re paying cash...has nothing to do with anything.
You make it sound like paying a tradesman cash on a painting job with a discount for cash.
As for the "extra charges" in my case that was bit under 40k.
There is always the unknowns. For example in my case I required couple of rounds of blood transfusions.
You seem very settled on the anterior approach and that's fine.
Personally I wouldn't be thrilled with the expert coming to Phuket to give your doctor a chop out.
Anterior procedure (from reading) is very specialized surgery.
Your 10 yrs younger than myself and perhaps in good shape and indeed anterior may be best for you.
Either way you are having a significant procedure and recovery time is part of the gig.
You stated this in previous post.......
"Bangkok Phuket orthopedist said I'm at "final stage" hip disease, which means bone on bone"
Have they spoken about the condition of your "other hip"?
So I'm 6 weeks post op.
All my walking routines are now on one walking stick with arm rest.
As previously stated I have experienced Zero pain.
Best of luck with the procedure.