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Everything posted by DrJack54

  1. 90 days from your last entry to Thailand. Ignore email.
  2. 12 month bank statement in any immigration office not required for first extension. They will want to see 2 months of seasoning in bank book.
  3. A SETV is a good idea. Accommodation discussed in attached thread. https://aseannow.com/topic/1318857-proof-of-accommodation-question-for-tourist-visa/
  4. The map does not need to be more than dwelling to nearest main road. At CW it's not a big deal .
  5. No. You can obtain 60 day extension to visit wife. Your wife would need to attend. https://aseannow.com/topic/1313692-question-about-60-day-extension-of-stay-based-on-marriage/
  6. If you had disclosed your province then just maybe you would have received advice ya or nah that a yellow book would be acceptable in future for things such as license renewal, purchase vehicles etc .
  7. Indeed OP, you have a COR and that's will do the job, albeit 800b .
  8. Yes the same chit chat that has been posted ad nauseam in Motor Forum
  9. Here is link for form that CW uses for COR application. https://aseannow.com/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=439173
  10. And I tried to assist a guy at Chatuchak for TDL. His yellow book wouldn't cut it. Told to obtain a COR from CW. All this is discussed over and over in Motor Forum
  11. It's depends on your immigration office (that you did not mention) Many threads with various requirements. eg post above yours from @flexomike In any event the OP did not indicate he even has a yellow book and did not even ask for alternatives to COR.
  12. You should always state which immigration office you deal with. Here is attached thread with good information and first reply gives detailed list. https://aseannow.com/topic/1321003-documents-required-for-retirement-extension-in-cm/
  13. Yet another "in my province" Same as the OP and many other posters so secretive about naming their province.
  14. I have seen 800b posted in the many threads on this trivial topic. That is the highest I have ever read. 500b often mentioned usually provided certificate on the spot. 200b at CW and takes approx 5 days. You refer to yellow house book. Also some have mentioned Pink ID card. These enabled renewal of eg TDL, particularly years back at some offices. In some land/transport offices a certificate of residence is required and yellow house book won't cut it
  15. Some duplicate posts removed
  16. Continuous ongoing extensions (retirement) and each extension of course additional reentry permit. Same address for 12 yr.
  17. 800 for not filing the TM30. 2000 for late TM47
  18. You google "TM8 download" You can do download on any phone. Always print any double sided for as back to back one page. This attached thread has link to form and posts listing other required docs eg photo. https://aseannow.com/topic/1318449-documents-needed-for-getting-re-entry-permit-at-cw/
  19. Suggest you read up on the many recent threads re requirements for renewing TDL.
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