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Everything posted by DrJack54

  1. Also anyone with a non O-A is required to have insurance policy for national park coverage on top of existing cover.
  2. You could start by reading this thread regarding the Thailand Pass. 72 pages. Pleasant read. Also several other current threads will cover all your questions. Have a paracetamol handy.
  3. I meant what will be border entry requirements in future? Pre covid is ancient history. Border entry could involve quarantine. Tourist Visa from PP can even take longer than 3 days. Some consulates had a cap of 2 tourist visas. Thinking very cheap return flight to say Saigon with overnight tourist visa at the consulate and a chill at Bui Vien street a distant memory. Will be some time before those times are back.
  4. Don't understand. Onward flight requirement has 3 well known options. 1.Throw away flight. 2.Flight with cost free date change. 3.Rent a ticket ~12usd. Not interested in your "other post." As it's strange. Has nothing to do with immigration. Departure or arrival The onward flight is all about airline for issue of boarding pass.
  5. Enter Thailand visa exempt. You can obtain the 50k insurance for that. That gives you 30 days which you can extend by 30. It may even be possible to obtain covid extension after that. How long do you hope to stay in Thailand. If 50+ there are other options. Good luck.
  6. Nup. Stop nonsense. The idea that you can do tm30 at police station is a wind up. Your OP "One of my friends...." Is lame. Sufficient advice given already.
  7. OP, you are planning to fly visa exempt entry to Thailand. The airline may/will require you to show onward flight. Nothing to do with Thai immigration upon landing. All about airline requirement at departure to issue boarding pass. The onward flight should be within 30 days. It's required.
  8. Since someone bumped this thread. Some folk ask about return of receipt from CW. Just today received my return envelope which is 2 weeks after my due date and that's 4 weeks in total from my posting it. Again they returned all my photocopies for next report along with new form. Sweet ????
  9. Would love to see confirmation or otherwise of this statement. This is according to who? The friend? And this bit..... "This may only be an issue for longstayers, but not tourists" Where did that come from?
  10. He should go asap. Immigration will be crowded just prior to Nov 27. His extension will start day of expiry of current extension, even if he applied last week. Go now.
  11. When does his current extension end? I'm not to interested in 90 report that's a side issue and as I mentioned CW has been doing that at same time if due. If he has current receipt then they might do it on the spot. On side note I was at CW couple weeks back for annual extension. The io noticed my report was due (overdue by 3 days). She noticed that from my previous 90 receipt. Started typing stuff into computer looking at my 90 receipt. (Nothing to do with annual extension). I had to pull her up and tell her that I had already mailed new report. She stopped. Long story. Very switched on at CW.
  12. Glad I asked how he entered Thailand. Having entered with PE then would be applying for covid extension at CW. As for TM30, as I mentioned previously, I would keep it simple and obtain one by staying (paying) a night in a Bangkok hotel that confirms that they will file Tm30. For annual extensions CW has recently been assisting by allowing 90 day reports done at same visit. Not too sure what CW are requiring however your friend previously on a PE would need to submit 90 day report. Best he have required docs with him. At CW there is photocopy stall lower level where the banks are and can assist.
  13. If someone has that level of need to remain in Thailand they would be best advised to use an agent. Even agent options may be limited but the plan you suggest is costly and very short term. A tourist visa obtained in PP isn't a cake walk. Many use agent and takes longer than overnight as per Vietnam. No one knows what the requirements will be for land border entries in near future. Also yet to be seen is immigration at airports attitude to ongoing living in Thailand with using back to back tourist visas with extensions. You may recall huge tightening of that prior to covid. Folk choosing to fly into CM instead of DMK etc. Consulates placing limit on tourist visas. Few horror stories of refused entry at Thai airport. If your under 50 and unmarried to a Thai then it's possible options in future limited.
  14. Have you thought that through. Border bounce means reenter visa exempt. Via air that would require onward flight coming back from Cambodia. Let's add the total cost up. Which airline? Hope it's not Bangkok Airlines.
  15. Sounds like you stood your ground. I suggest anyone confronted with nonsense from io regarding obtaining a covid extension to stand your ground. Have copy of affidavit in hand. Ask to speak to senior io and as last resort suggest your about to ring 1178 for clarification. Ubonjoe no doubt has copy of what is stated in gazette regarding covid extensions. Perhaps immigration officers need to read and do their job in lieu of scolding visitors.
  16. Dont get me wrong. I'm an old chap living here and miss chatting with the S.E.A travellers. Be that Cambodia or my (previously pre covid) once every month go to which is Saigon. Point is even if these places follow Thai style opening in the future..... I'm sorry to say that it won't remotely resemble what you refer to. and miss.
  17. And you are welcome to check reentry requirements to Thailand via land border.
  18. OP,...the io is not interested in previous covid extension apart from it's expiry date. Reports are that often TM30 is asked for. To keep it simple you could stay one night at a Bangkok hotel asking them first if they will do a TM30 and also provide you with screenshot of filing TM30. Regarding where you apply. Depends how entered Thailand. If visa exempt you will attend MTT. He won't get to see the io untill lady at que desk issues que #. She will check docs first. All this is done on Level 2. (L1 being ground floor). Note there is photocopy place L1 if required. Not sure if Bangkok immigration is requiring 90 day report. Until recently 90 report was not required by folk that entered visa exempt and tourist visas. Bit of separate issue.
  19. And what's the rules for re-entering Thailand via land border from Cambodia?
  20. Maybe your thinking of visa exempt entries at land borders (I think) . They are limited to 2 per calendar year. The number of tourist visas obtained at various consulates varied and was determined by consulate.
  21. This is what I posted earlier. "That's why you don't tick 1. Tick #2" Don't recall trying tick 1. If so typo.
  22. That's why you don't tick 1. Tick #2. Anyway your claim now that since flights are currently available to Oz that if your from Australia you cannot obtain a covid extension is just plain incorrect and misleading. In any event all off topic from the OP apart from the fact that I suggested to the OP to obtain a covid extension now. When it's extended till late Jan he could possibly obtain another. I understand he is from Europe. Plenty of flights to Europe....won't prevent him from obtaining covid extension.
  23. Don't know who your dealing with or where your advice is coming from but you are wrong. Perhaps the MANY citizens of Europe, UK, USA etc that are obtaining covid extensions (even with flights to home country available) can support your claim.
  24. Tick box 1 or 4. https://aseannow.com/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=727659 Also what about UK folk and many others. Been plenty of flights to UK, USA etc... Those folk are obtaining covid extensions. So now there are flights to Oz. Can you obtain covid extension? Answer YES.
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