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Everything posted by DrJack54

  1. I'm sure ubonjoe could fish out of his treasure trove the official rule. I guess when dealing with certain immigration offices it's best to play along with their local rules as much as possible even when they are incorrect. Just power trip stuff.
  2. Don't think so. TM30 and 90 day report have nothing to do with each other. Also as mentioned in my post above....TM30 report is NOT require unless changing your address. Meaning permanently moving away for your previous address. I'm aware a few backwater immigration offices might 'do their own thing' as is the norm in Thailand.
  3. A TM30 is not required if away inter province from your normal residence. It's not even required after international travel unless you obtain a new visa/visa exempt entry.
  4. Money has to be in bank 2 months prior to day of application for extension. After application best policy is to leave it in the account untill final stamp is given. When under consideration period ends. After that you can use it as you wish and for the following extension repeat process.
  5. Don't understand the tone or attitude. I have found over years the clerks in banks very helpful.. The letter is not even worded. See my post above with example of "letter". CW does these daily (often) so I'm not even sure what the OP if referring to. Another example of required bank letter attached.
  6. Well that's excellent news and let's hope it pans out that way. Having various insurance periods based on time left on extension made zero sense. Yippi
  7. Not sure if you mean bank letter. My bank does the 2 accounts on one letter. Cost 100baht.
  8. And for every person on AseanNow that doesn't not know how to do that there is 100+ that are not on forums that would not know how to go about obtaining a TP. Far too difficult for the average punter.
  9. The bank would have know. They do them all day being located at CW. Here is mine from last week.
  10. I think you make an important point. Many posters on AseanNow are semi to competent with IT. That's a small number in the pool of folk wanting to come to Thailand. Just had an email from friend in Oz and he is looking forward to coming to Thailand to see his wife and young child in Udon. Lovely guy but seriously would have almost zero knowledge of IT. Prob thinks Hotmail is from a tinder chick.
  11. And others can also use monthly income method for retirement so no problem. BTW which requirement are you referring to that is shortsighted?
  12. Obtain extensions using monthly income method or money in the bank method or buy a PE OR go home to the states. Don't moan about options, you have them.
  13. That's my whole point. Your insignificant (cost wise) insurance is for 8 days. For all the folk living in Thailand wanting to take short trip out and return they could require insurance to cover up to 12 months. Expensive. BTW how long were you stamped in for in Thailand.
  14. Actually currently in Thailand. My interest comes from wanting to make quick trip to Oz to see family that have not seen for 2yr up due to covid situation. The issue for folk in my situation is that some have long current permission of stay (in my case 12 months) The required cost of coverage is not insignificant. Can you indicate how you entered Thailand visa wise and what length of coverage was required.
  15. Thanks @Salerno Also from another thread just now. https://asq.in.th/thailand-covid-insurance I tried a 65yr old from Oz for 30 days and 321 days. Naturally cost difference not insignificant.
  16. @Judysha A double thank you. The link you posted is so user-friendly. So I just ran this in for 65 yr from Oz. Length of coverage 30 days and also 320 days. For us folk with a current POS (in my case renewed last week). The insurance length of coverage can vary greatly. Hardly fair.
  17. Unrelated directly to the thread.. Can anyone give me a ballpark cost for the 50k compulsory insurance for the TP based on a very hansum healthy 65 yr old for 12 month coverage. Ta.
  18. For some people that is the whole idea. In case of killing off a non O-A it may be for the nonsense Thai insurance requirement ongoing for extensions and for non O folk it's being discussed as a balancing act against cost of 50k compulsory insurance for TP. In my case if I took quick trip home (Oz) now upon return I would require insurance for almost 12 months.
  19. Thanks for the report. How do they work out insurance cost? Length of stay or.....? Also assume age comes into play?
  20. How long do you plan/hope to stay in Thailand.
  21. 2 separate things. METV is a visa option. TP is required to enter Thailand. BTW don't think METV currently available in LA
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