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Everything posted by DrJack54

  1. Here is copy of requirements from our go to ubonjoe from another thread.... "You will need one completed TM7 form with a 4 X 6 photo attached. Copies of your passport photo page page, visa (if any), entry stamp, pervious extension stamp (if any) and TM6 departure card. Copies need to be signed by you. Immigration will give you any other statements and etc to complete and sign. If you have not had TM30 report done showing your current address you will need a new one" Here is that thread: https://aseannow.com/topic/1202998-covid-extension-requirements/
  2. You saw that in a random dream? Which land borders are currently open?
  3. Your referring to Mueang Thong Thani office. You do not obtain your covid extension there as you entered on extension to a non O. You obtain extension at CW.
  4. Note quite. I use mail due to being excommunicated from the online system. As soon as my receipt is returned from CW with all my photocopies and new TM47, I fill it all out including dates for my next report. I wait for the online window to open then try the online and of course it's rejected. Then walk to post office and post. As for your question...... "The question that keeps nagging me is: are they just inept, or do they want us to leave?" Answer is that they don't care and there is absolutely no incentive for them to make it operate properly. Long live the Thai motto.... "Not My Problem"
  5. You will attend CW. You fill in application TM7. PP ID page. Most recent visa or extension. TM6 card both sides. May require a TM30 so make sure you have that with you.. You will fill in this affidavit. https://aseannow.com/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=727659 Another thread with advice. https://aseannow.com/topic/1197779-covid-19-visa-extension/
  6. OP, which imm office. If Bangkok you will obtain your covid extension at CW.
  7. Not if the money has been in Thailand for some time. Note in OP case he stated.... "Would they accept the 800,000 held for several years of non-OA extensions?" Answer yes. Otherwise needs show funds came from abroad for non O retirement application.
  8. Good news. I'm going tomorrow to CW for extension retirement. I usually go just prior to lunch break to obtain que ticket then do banking. Might try earlier time given your report. However reentry permit understandably quiet.
  9. Your return flight with airline is irrelevant. It won't prevent you from having earlier ticket within the 30 days. Nothing stopping you from obtaining another flight as outlined in options above. You could inquire with airline that you intend to obtain 30 day extension and ask if your existing return flight will be enough. For those traveling alone it's easy to try that at boarding counter and if any issue book cheapest flight you can find online. Obviously you would allow time and have wifi access. Airlines sometimes accept the onward flight within 60 days with this explanation. However not water tight. Some check in clerks of airlines would not even be aware of extension being possible.
  10. You can apply for the extension prior to expiry of your stamped date from your visa exempt entry. A week or so prior is common. It's a straight forward simple process. 1900baht. You cannot obtain a tourist visa once inside Thailand. You still seem confused about your onward flight requirement. This is for airline for boarding plane at departure to Thailand. It will not be required at passport control when landing in Thailand. You have 3 options. 1. Have a onward ticket within 30 day. 2. Buy a throw away cheapest flight available within 30 days 3. Purchase a flight ticket from online companies mentioned already, which has a life of perhaps 48 hours. In fact I outlined this in second post of thread.
  11. What did you need to provide and also what visa or exempt did you have. Edit: just read your post from earlier that outlined your situation. However not everyone is getting married so for many will be more difficult.
  12. Where are you located. My first ever bank account was obtained on a tourist visa, but that was many years ago. They kept asking for my work permit. Bit difficult when I needed to account for non O retirement. I found using one of the bigger head offices worked. You will possibly need to try a few. In recent times I had no trouble with new account at Kasikorn. However I had 12 month extension. Found Bangkok Bank unhelpful.
  13. Couple of positive reports for Siam Legal. They use Bangkok Bank. If you have no luck with opening the Bank Account yourself and in fact use an agent, please report back your experience. May be helpful to others.
  14. Hopefully someone can confirm no issue. You didn't think to check it out prior to using this type of account to show financial requirements for extension?
  15. Just a note to info you quoted. For visa exempt the flight does not need to be a return flight. Any onward flight will satisfy the airline.
  16. At some point could you do a "trip report". Thinking many would find it useful/helpful. Have a good trip.
  17. Try opening one with visa exempt entry. In recent times far more difficult. Not covid related, think more the money laundering laws that came into play. In particular people currently entering visa exempt with aim to obtain non O need a Thai bank account and also time is crucial. An agent can assist to open one quickly.
  18. Passport is not mailed, only photocopies of couple of pages. Also might take you 30 minutes for many it might take most of day to do it in person. Attached is requirements for mail report. Note address is for CW.
  19. Thanks for the update. Couple of companies as an example?
  20. Why on earth would you wonder. You will not be able to use online for your next report is my bet.
  21. Indeed and that is why threads on non success with doing online reports should be banned. Also all the advice about entering correct data or this and that is USELESS. For every suggestion such as "did you obtained a new pp" or "did you use chrome" or this or that..... The only reasons I can come up with is .... The info/data has not been uploaded onto online system. Perhaps you did it in person or via mail. Possibly when online was down for all. Regardless immigration have very little interest in fixing the issue even when people bring it to their attention.
  22. Not my experience. I live in Thailand with extensions retirement. Wanted to open FD account and savings a/c. Bangkok Bank wanted something from my embassy (perhaps proof of residence, not sure). Also something from my Oz bank. Another letter. Complete nonsense. I opened accounts at Kasikorn on the spot. Zero issues. For folks without a non O and planing to open bank account for one, I recommend an agent. Quick simple and not expensive.
  23. Hopefully the OP will be along to clear things up. My guess is that he is looking for agent to obtain non O volunteering along with 12 month extension and doing zero volunteering.
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