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Everything posted by DrJack54

  1. Makes sense. Would be nice to have the 400k available in case your immigration office has an issue with using "income method" for the non O application (shouldn't be) Here is one office requirement regarding embassy letter for the non O. "Income Option Letter issued within the last 6 months from your embassy verifying a minimum income of 40,000 Baht per month. Note 4 (US, UK and Australia do NOT provide this letter, you will have to check with your own embassy) Copy of Thai bank book name page" (Highlight not mine) OP, are you getting married in Thailand?
  2. 400k on day of application for the non O based on marriage. For the non O from visa exempt entry you use TM87. Subsequent 12 month extension requires money in bank for 2 months + on day of application. You should plan to leave the 400k in bank for the under consideration period (approx a month) after which the funds can be used.
  3. Let's stick with what the vast majority of what the ~75 offices require rather than Phuket
  4. OP topic covered. No issue with immigration. Topic closed.
  5. Now another thread with same incorrect information. If obtaining a non O based on retirement at Thai immigration office then the 800k needs to be shown came from abroad. Exception to this is the funds have been in Thai bank for "some time" Note the funds do not require proof came from abroad for annual extensions
  6. You need to read my post. "If you apply for non O IN THAILAND....." The non O retirement obtained at local immigration office requires funds came from abroad.
  7. You would then need to transfer 800k to that account. You seem aware of your options. Purpose of thread? Yes you will be asked for onward flight at check in
  8. To add to Mike post You can even do that on the spot by stepping back from check in to buy "rent a ticket" or book throw away booking. Obviously requires internet connection. However this does not solve your Thai bank account issue. Also to apply for non O in Thailand you require 15+ days remaining on your permission of stay
  9. If you apply for non O retirement in Thailand you will need 800k in Thai bank account in your name only on day of application. Also need proof funds came from abroad. If apply for non O in UK then does not need to be Thai bank. https://aseannow.com/topic/1311886-visa-exempt-to-retirement-extension-process-and-cost/
  10. Opening a Thai bank account on a visa exempt entry would be difficult to say the least. An agent can assist for ~ 4500baht. Better option is to obtain non O eVisa in UK. You do not need an address in Thailand. Threads available on the process. Here is one of many... https://aseannow.com/topic/1325310-applying-in-uk-for-non-o/
  11. No. You can apply for single entry non O (retirement) eVisa Without a Thai bank account,I suggest obtaining non O retirement in UK. Which immigration office deal with in Thailand?
  12. Any issue would occur at check in departure airport. No issue with immigration on arrival Thailand. BTW: Does not need to be return ticket. Any onward flight within 30 days is fine. Why not obtain eVisa non O retirement in UK. Do you have a Thai bank account in your name only? Which immigration office would you be dealing with in Thailand?
  13. It's an option. Would need to exit Thailand for the new non O. Not best option for ongoing living in Thailand
  14. That's a bit rich. One of your questions (bit strange) was "does Surat Thani have an immigration office". A simple Google search shows the office web site along with Google maps, even reviews etc. If you had been more engaged with your thread you would have received more helpful information. It's not even clear if the friend is Oz. If that's the case some folk would have pointed out the eVisa including non O based on retirement is now available from AU, etc etc Having a non O would greatly assist opening a Thai bank account if he currently does not have one.
  15. On link posed above scroll down to almost last forum. "Support Forum Desk" Ask for advice there
  16. Surprised. At Bangkok airports don't recall similar wait time. Good advice is allow extra time.
  17. I now see OP previous threads eg... Might help if OP gave full story of current situation. @sarayoot
  18. My understanding is that currently he cannot obtain a multi entry visa based on Thai child from places such as Savannakhet. The best option is a non O + extension, however you indicate that's not an option.
  19. OP, Assume you have joint custody? First reply in this thread has useful links from ubonjoe. https://aseannow.com/topic/1275570-visa-based-on-child/
  20. Indeed. Really a thread about nothing @Jaunty has started similar thread previously. In this current thread has added nothing. No reason to keep this thread going.
  21. Off topic but perhaps useful to Oz folk..... You can now do the whole process via mail. Very simple and my recent renewal took 20 days start to finish.
  22. Not a problem Here is cut and paste from ubonjoe post where the OP in that thread was going to be 3-5 days late... "There is good chance your application will not of been approved by the report back date. The under consideration stamp to allows you to stay in the country until your application is approved. The report back date is just that. Being a couple of days late is not a problem at most offices. You should call them to check to see if it has been completed. If your wife had your passport she could go to immigration and get your stamp done."
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