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Everything posted by DrJack54

  1. This guy @Pattaya57 recently obtained a non O based on retirement at Sydney Thai embassy. (I believe) He could post up to date process time. Off topic: Might be useful to AU folk. Recently renewed my Oz pp. Embassy recommended allow 6 weeks. Did it via mail and was 20 day turn around including postage time.
  2. The OP in this thread gave good review for run from Pattaya https://aseannow.com/topic/1312731-border-run-pattaya-to-cambodia/ Here is thread from run from Bangkok and has couple of links. https://aseannow.com/topic/1319224-vip-border-run-vans-in-bkk/
  3. No. You are thinking on non O-A. For a Non O retirement or marriage No insurance requirements
  4. OP, this is best option. BTW, which immigration office will you be using if you decide on visa exempt and obtain non O at immigration.
  5. If you are referring to rent a ticket you don't cancel it. It's cancelled automatically. As mentioned in the advice in the OP obtain the flight day prior. Check out the site. "onwardticket.com"
  6. The address that you use must be in province of where you do your extension, TM47 reports etc. The wife needs to be with you for first extension based on retirement having previously been based on marriage. Subsequent extensions, wife not required.
  7. Assume he would apply for eVisa (tourist) That might be granted however on arrival in Thailand io should notice his reentry permit. OP did not indicate his friend had a reentry permit.
  8. No offense...however from your OP to this reply clearly you have very limited knowledge of options. After all these years in Thailand that's surprising. Obtaining a 60 day extension to visit wife is legit and well known. If your agent has not suggested that then change agents
  9. Yes. The extension is simply a permission of stay with an expiry date. If you exit Thailand without a reentry permit then the POS is gone. The friend won't have an issue.. The other alternative is simply to return and enter visa exempt. Depends on plans ongoing. If he only left due to divorce he could consider obtaining METV that would provide almost 9 months and provide time to consider future options. How old is the friend
  10. Assume he exited Thailand without a reentry permit. In that case his permit ends. He can return with tourist visa and yes can obtain a 30 day extension. 1900b
  11. Indeed. We all have our own MO. I make appointment for first slot after lunch CW. Do banking and any photocopying prior to that on lower level. Personally I do it all on day of application however have done it days prior in my initial years at CW.
  12. Let's not go through the 75 immigration offices. Many threads on this. Most offices will accept "bank letter" prior to day of application. The OP mentions CW and that office will certainly accept letter obtained earlier. https://aseannow.com/topic/1290982-same-day-passbook-update-and-bank-letter-required-for-extension-of-stay-at-bangkok-immigration/
  13. The "bank letter" can be up to 7 days early. Don't follow why you need to apply for it day prior. At CW the banks know what you require. You can make a deposit of say 100b to show activity and the bank prepares letter after the deposit is made. You would also need to provide photocopies of bank book pages to show monthly deposits for previous 12 months (income method) and previous 2 months showing balance of 800k Bank letter 100b
  14. You are simply changing the reason your extension is based upon. Your wife will need to attend along with you having 800k in Thai bank account in your name only for 2 months prior to application. Copy of wife's house book registry and ID card should be sufficient for address. They may require her to do a TM30.
  15. Towards end of your current permission of stay obtain a "60 day extension to visit wife" This will push your window to obtain annual extension (12 months) back by 60 days.
  16. Funds for extensions does not require proof funds came from abroad for money in bank method.
  17. Most likely due to not having a TM30. Not rejected just insufficient documents..
  18. That will not happen. Be aware that for change to based on retirement your wife will need to attend immigration with you. Also you will require 800k in Thai bank account in your name only for two months prior to date of application.
  19. Agree. That has already been suggested however seems OP has decided on obtaining non O-A and the two simple questions re police clearance and medical have been answered Added note: the first TM47 can be done in person and also via mail.
  20. Bit harsh. The guy you quoted would be well aware that non O-A and LTV is multi entry. Seems to me he is endorsing your earlier post where you stated ..., "No idea why you want to complicate your given position. New Non O based on Thai spouse for re-entry to Thailand. 1 year permit of stay based on Thai spouse from Immigration."
  21. That's understandable, however as you point out "time is running out" The rent a ticket works. The trip to Singapore would mean another visa exempt entry via air. It's wouldn't be an issue. IMO you are making simple into not simple.
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