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Everything posted by JBChiangRai

  1. Oh silly me, that’s alright then. And there was me thinking the other reason someone might do it was to keep all the premiums and get rich.
  2. Adopting an adult 20 years or older just needs the adopter to sign with his wife (or prove single/divorced), no biological parent involvement at all.
  3. Yes, it can be done, I have done it. It can be a little bit torturous, but it can be done.
  4. There is something similar, it is called controller of property. Speak to Lawyer about controller of property, he may have to look it up unless he’s a busy Lawyer.
  5. Is old age one of them?
  6. If you don’t charge to 100% regularly the SoC displayed will get increasingly less accurate as the BMS attempts to calculate based on power in and out and it will drift in one direction. The battery voltage vs SoC curve gets very steep above 90’something% and below 10%. I think the purpose of BYD’s instructions is to recalibrate the BMS. It’s not to prolong the life of the battery. The worst behavior for battery longevity is to keep it charged close to 100%, ie what some people call ABC, always be charging. I used to do that until I watched the EE video.
  7. Between approximately 50% and 80% a lithium iron cell has almost a flat voltage, so it’s very difficult for the BMS to tell what the state of charge is in that range, the purpose of taking it up to 100% is to record that significant 100% voltage peak and know that the batteries fully charged so it can recalculate the SoC. I think the purpose of taking it below 10% is for it to be able to calculate the capacity of the battery pack, which probably happens as you recharge it, it counts the coulombs going into the pack and knows the capacity and state of health.
  8. I don’t believe BYD balances the cells only at high SoC, I think it has active balancing and balances the cells at any state of charge continuously, probably even when the car is off. The only cars I know that use passive balancing at the end of the charge period are MG.
  9. It also depends on your nationality, if you’re American it will be very difficult. BitKub wants identity and proof of address (blue book), Check out the website and see if you can do anything with a lower transaction limit.
  10. What exactly do you want to do? There is full income tax payable on the sale of crypto or on the profits on crypto depending where you bought if sold on a Thai exchange.
  11. My Porsche Taycan never took any oil in the two years I owned it. 🙂
  12. it’s too slow, my EV does 0 to 100 in 3.8 seconds
  13. I'm flabbergasted, you can count Ralfyboi !
  14. Come on you anti-EV'ers, wake up & smell the coffee
  15. It's illegal for any foreigner to work in this sector, there doesn't have to be payment made. The definition of work is anything paid or unpaid. It's not the average Joe's on here discussing things but it is any foreigner soliciting business or giving professional advice. A foreigner acting as a tax adviser would be an illegal activity.
  16. No Cobalt in my EV, or my daughter’s EV, or any BYD EV.
  17. @jerrymahoney are you in any way connected with WrLife other than you bought their health insurance?
  18. 4 of those 5* reviews are from people with the same name as officers or associates of WrLife, one, the CEO.
  19. I think we just have to agree to disagree. I have raised most of my concerns, I hope that helps others.
  20. If I could just find a way to make it pay....
  21. You're entitled to your opinion, and I get how you want it to be all good. My concern is how will they handle a large claim, heart attack, kidney transplant etc, the most important thing is to understand the underwriter. I'm sure you understand the underwriter fully as you're a shareholder in it, your policy document says so, check your share certificate. Every document they have is gobbledygook
  22. I don't have a horse in this race. I just want people to make an educated decision before spending their money.
  23. And I accept it has made sense to you.
  24. Someone reported one of my posts, and the report was denied. Stop deflecting and answer the question, Who is the underwriter of your policy? It doesn't make sense for you to take out a policy without checking out the underwriter is able to meet it's obligations.
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