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Everything posted by JBChiangRai

  1. Are you saying you drive 600-700k without a break? Or are you saying you make journeys every day but only go to the dino juice store every 600-700k?
  2. Can I have some of what you're smoking?
  3. There are none so blind as those who do not want to see
  4. We should be so lucky!
  5. If you prepay at least you WILL get your refund, if you were scammed on COD you're screwed.
  6. Why don't you post the even worse ICE figures demonstrating EV's market share is increasing every month for the last 7 months, go on, what holding you back?
  7. And ICE sales numbers are even worse because EV sales are growing and stealing market share from ICE. You can be economical with the truth Vinny, you do like misleading people.
  8. You are not allowed to open the package before paying COD.
  9. Sometimes you don't get what you ordered, you get something worthless. It's shipped by the person you ordered from, but lazada won't help because they canceled the order because he never confirmed it was shipped, instead he shipped junk to you personally. COD is a risk, prepay is risk free.
  10. In 2024, global sales of electric vehicles (EVs) are continuing to rise. The first half of the year saw a significant increase, with sales up by 20% compared to the same period in 20231. By the end of May, over 5 million EVs had been sold worldwide1. Projections for the entire year suggest that around 16.84 million EVs will be sold, marking a 21% year-over-year growth Electric Vehicle Market Trends: EV Sales and Outlook in H1 2024 | Nasdaq Global EV Market Analysis 2024—Trends and Forecasts (abiresearch.com)
  11. In 2024, global sales of electric vehicles (EVs) are continuing to rise. The first half of the year saw a significant increase, with sales up by 20% compared to the same period in 20231. By the end of May, over 5 million EVs had been sold worldwide1. Projections for the entire year suggest that around 16.84 million EVs will be sold, marking a 21% year-over-year growth Electric Vehicle Market Trends: EV Sales and Outlook in H1 2024 | Nasdaq Global EV Market Analysis 2024—Trends and Forecasts (abiresearch.com)
  12. And global sales are increasing month on month.
  13. Let's look at that failing EV adoption rate shall we? Q2 in USA up over 20% from Q1. Norway now 94%, Thailand now 15%, UK now 23%
  14. So, if I was to sum up the COD / No COD debate. If you order COD and check against your records and check Lazada confirms it's shipped - it's safe. or If you prepay your order - it's safe. Seems fairly clear to me which is best.
  15. Yes of course, that's why for the last 7 months running the EV market share has dropped, oops, it hasn't it's grown. An inconvenient fact.
  16. It's far safer to never order COD. Ours is a busy household with deliveries every day, sometimes 3 or 4 deliveries for different people. We have a rule, no COD, if something comes COD then we know it's a scam. It would be far too complicated to try and keep a record of orders, and even if we did, we would have to keep an eye on Lazada to check something was actually shipped to avoid the not-shipped, lazada-cancel scam. Unless you record that it's shipped/track delivery process, you can still get scammed. The seller has your address, he only needs to send you something fake direct and wait for you to accept and subsequently lazada cancel the order. Never use COD is by far the safest way, no need to keep spreadsheets, you don't need to proactively track orders, just pay and wait. Easy peasy lemon squeezy.
  17. I don't think the subsidy has any effect on the price, it's just more profit for the automaker to encourage them to build factories. You do post some claptrap, I wonder what it's like living in your alternate reality?
  18. I paid 30,000 baht to have my Merc increased by about 15%, I thought that was a bargain.
  19. We have gone from 6% to 15% in 7 months, I'm not ruling out 30% in 6 years.
  20. Some switch the entire house over to inverter (mine does that), it switches over instantaneously to inverter if there is a power cut.
  21. Yes, it's very noticeable.
  22. Ritter Tuning will retune the ECU without adding any parts, it's undetectable.
  23. No, they are falling flat on their face when there are no sensibly priced Chinese EV's available and people are expected to pay a premium for older tech with legacy badges on the back.
  24. The Turbo is the better car, the Hybrid is a gimmick and too complicated. If you really want power, have the ECU chip replaced, they are good for 200+hp, I wouldn't go too far beyond that as the gearbox is not up to it.
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