Going through virtual assistant trying to get reimbursement for misuse off my credit card by Airt Asia was a nightmare. It took me 18 months but all sorted now
You have only got to go once!! Both my parents ended up in old people homes, that for me was the most heart reaching time of my life and swore to myself I would never, never ever end up in one. Only people who have been through that with your parents would understand
A few years back I saw this guy in Pattaya, my guess he would have been 80 and he was with a very pretty lady in her 20s and she seemed perfectly happy. So why not is my answer
Thank for that. By the way I am not a bad person, my friends who I have many, the same for many years would be killing themselves with laughter suggesting that I am, in fact it was only last week one told me I was too honest
Not sure. I am doing nothing until there are clear rules and instructions. My philosophy is and always has been and this goes for UK Tax laws as well, do not mention anything which they do not ask for
Tax changes within Thailand are going to change massively (Fact) Is this going to effect expats no!! I have two friends who are married to thais who work in the inland revenue, they have half a ream of paperwork to study (if you do not how much this is Google it!!) They have both said this will not have any effect on expats. Stop all this bull<deleted>!!