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Everything posted by Expat68

  1. I did say read up on it!! Prolonged use of it destroys tendons in your body
  2. Ciprofloxin is a very dangerous drug which you can buy over the counter. Read up on it, it has been banned in some countries. I am now only just recovering after 4 years
  3. Hard boiled eggs, you can buy them from 7-11
  4. I love living in Thailand, anything I post is the truth and nothing but the truth
  5. Stay clear of all Thai people if they are drunk/drinking. Many years ago at my wife's mother's funeral one of her brothers lost it and started waving a gun around
  6. Hotels, local restaurants? I do not live in tourist citys and I can tell you the locals are struggling. I have lived in my city for 14 years and theft is on the increase, the large supermarkets now have CCTV in car parks, failing that they have security, this is the first time ever
  7. Thai life is worth nothing also
  8. I had my varicose veins stripped in the UK many years ago. I will try and and remember. Pre op, shave your crown jewels. Local anesthetic, they make incision (cut) both groins (this is where they strip the veins through) Painless operation, bandaged from foot to groin, stay in hospital 3 days? Will not let you out until you can walk (with stick). F------g painful, can take week(S) for pain to go completely, may need physio on legs. Where surgical stockings for a while. Hope that helps
  9. This will do more harm to Thailand tourism
  10. I think it is a good idea to focus on foreign/Thai people travelling within Thailand. I do this on average 8 times per year
  11. Monthly rental, I live in a cheap but one of the most beautiful areas to live in the uk. Wages are low hence rental is low
  12. Houses/rental are cheap on north Yorkshire coast
  13. McGuigans is pretty good
  14. My agent is totally on the ball, visiting my property at least twice a year, anything needs doing he just emails me
  15. My 2 bedroom bungalow rents for £600 in the UK, in a very nice area on the N. Yorkshire coast.
  16. Put a cat in there. Problem solved
  17. I personally have had mine rented out with an agency for the past 13+ years. Just a word of advice (no doubt there will be people on here that will disagree) everyone who rents a house out in the UK, needs to inform the inland revenue, my agency provided me with the form, they do in fact make random checks to make sure that everyone on their books have filled in the appropriate form, also you need to fill in a self assessment each year
  18. Yes, definitely. I do every year. Tax period for Thailand runs from January to December
  19. Don't know why. Was there two tracks in Bangkok before COVID?
  20. I never do my 90 days online so unable comment on this
  21. Some people on here will disagree with me (all immigrations are not the same) but when I did this and reported for my next 90 days, I was refused and had to fill in a new TM30
  22. Hope they still leave the option open for people wanting to walk to the top of the mountain. I did it once, pretty tough but glad I did it
  23. Agree on the "rubbish" subjective on health insurance. Anyone at anytime could be faced with a massive bill. I am 70 year old and have just taken out health insurance, it is not perfect but I am covered until I am 99 year old, by which time I will be pushing up daisies, it suits my requirements, touch wood I am pretty healthy for a 70 year old. The proof of the pudding will be if I have to make a claim
  24. There is a big difference in the English accent from Newcastle to Devon to London. It reminds me when my thai wife and I (she is from NE Issaan) ventured to Bangkok together for the first time, she got in conversation with another Thai woman after she had gone I asked what they were talking about, she replied that she couldn't understand, I said but you are Thai she said yes but it is a longtime since I have been in Bangkok
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