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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. That doesn’t answer my question. You stated most 14 to 16 year olds are sexually active. My question again. What has that got to do with the crimes for which the nonse Edwards was convicted?
  2. My bad. Now all you have to do is explain what allegations of most 14 to 16 year olds being sexually actively has to do with the crimes fit which the nonse Edwards was convicted.
  3. Ah personal attack and slurring innuendo. Now all you have to do is explain what the alleged sexual activity of teenagers in Thailand has to do with the crimes for which the nonse Edwards was convicted in a UK court.
  4. Your posts are the demonstration. There’s a law, Edwards broke the law.
  5. So absolutely nothing to do with this proposed legislation then.
  6. Thank you, and the NYP, for doing your bit to get every Democratic voter, and all those ‘never Trump’ Republicans to the polls.
  7. I think you just did. What I am not is an excuser or obfuscater for the crimes of a convicted nonse.
  8. I, in agreement with his Jury, put all of Edwards’ criminal behavior on his shoulders. I am disappointed the judge chose to be lenient in his sentencing decision, the basis of my thoughts on his sentence are explained in my post you responded to. Child pornography and the crimes behind it are not trivial matters, explaining, in reasoned detail my thoughts on Edwards’ crime and light sentence is far from drama.
  9. I unequivocally support the right of Edwards, or indeed anyone no matter what their crime, to be afforded a qualified, competent and unbiased legal support during their investigation, arrest and trial. Why anyone would defend Edwards after his conviction is a mystery. If you can’t find a more deserving hill to die on, at least try to find one that isn’t at this end of the scale of perversion. I personally would like to see his sentence reviewed and raised to some serious time in prison.
  10. Disproportionately Trump supporters, which in itself begs a number of questions all starting with ‘wtf’.
  11. “I mad a post about NY” “Bots may not be fluent in English.” It’s not entirely unlikely.
  12. Moving from whataboutary to pure fiction isn’t an improvement.
  13. Clearly you are having difficulty remembering you introduced NY into the discussion when moments later you post:
  14. It’s not true. He said he gets 29% of the Jewish vote. Clearly American Jews don’t need you telling them what is good for them.
  15. I think we’ve already established there is no cure for the anti-Vaxers. Just ask for credible science based links to back their claims, they never have any.
  16. Got any credible science based links to back that claim up?
  17. Yet more grossly ill-informed nonsense. The rightwing accusation confession thing is thick in the air today. The Republicans are busy stripping women of dominion over their own bodies and handing it to State Governments and banning books.
  18. In your fetid dreams it might be: https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/president-general/
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