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Everything posted by Olmate

  1. Oh thanks, better remind the police, they probably missed that. Well spottedSherlock! 😂
  2. Dont tell me, tell the deer killer, no doubt a wild pig hunter as well, with the obligatory pack ofbloodthirsty killer pigdogs. Just the man to tell us how placid these two kiwi thugs are.! Your welcome.
  3. Probably same, shame forum cant reach a middleground tho as it must be losing clicks because of this.
  4. Best to quote poster if you want them to read it.To reply. My view is formed by personal experience, many examples Ive related previously. If NZ govt chose not to deport Oz crims more fool them, and the voters. Oz bikergangs are just one eg of kiwi involved in crime, thousands there have crim history, you mention one Australian!!
  5. I recall it was that the advertiser wanted to bomb the ads out regularly, George the mod I think said so.
  6. Currently your average thai wishing to visit Australia undergoes strict scrutiny and will most likely be refused. Cost to apply for 5yr visa is I think $AU1500,so 35Kbht. Discussion ongoing for a visa free entry as per this thread UKThai.
  7. Australia is having similar discussion, recently announced that Thais could apply for 5yr multi entrytourist visa as can citizens of China!
  8. Funny that New Zealanders could move and stay in Aust with no passport or visa until recently, criminal kiwis could not be deported.Place was flooded with good,(well a few) and Bad! All fixed now hopefully altho plenty troublemakers remain.
  9. He, s got a pair but there full of sawdust, thats his real problem, (non root) cause! Speaking bad thai in coffee shops is a symptom!
  10. Im refering to you overallstance in this thread re thai police iriot. Crikey get a grip and quit backin loser kiwi,s. There clearly up $hit Creek and you wanna join em.?
  11. Surely it depends on what the charges are, how its worded, and what evidence prosecution puts fwd to support that charge going fwd. Either way kiwi=toast. As many have stated here, anywhere else, Oz for sure, they would be shot ortasered. Offenders with knives even. Sadly an elderly woman, nursing home resident with a butterknife, shot dead the latest I recall.
  12. Point them out Spell Cop,(lowest form of flaming)right up your anal, (sorry mispell) alley of course. Happy to help with your proof reading lessons, I will bring my own Yellow Pages. Woosh.! Next. lol
  13. Happy to help, your dumbass thai bash is looking feebler by the day!
  14. So a dashcam of a US black kid getting shot dead is insufficient, we need to know more? Maybe we should all head there for justice?
  15. I was suggesting colonisation was/is an antiquated tradition, but you knew what I meant, didnt you! Invader! 🤪
  16. Duh!... Called'Neighbourhood watch' in my country, police hotline, 000,911,D24,dob in a druggie, toobad-toosad, stiff titties etcetc. How would you catch em Sherloch?
  17. Gender sensitive gougeousgeorgie!! Boy or girl, it dont matter in the Hilton. Just another example of your "anal" comments! Get it G... anal!! lol
  18. Used to visit Fiji often, meeting villiagers, including those of Indian origin (who were often business owners) Same deal, pig <deleted> outside, immaculate inside,eat and drink on the floor of course.... but "man" was boss of the home in that country!
  19. Far out, so your not Inspector Rex after all! Figured saving kiwi morons was your main calling, now I see its drugheads as well.Credibility zero Zoro!
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