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Everything posted by Olmate

  1. Ruminating iriot GG,!!
  2. Your obviously the go to man for info then(1994)... updates. Did your Mom take you 30 yrs ago?
  3. Boy G... do you pi$$ wind in Pattaya? If yes, you have it for sure!! 😭
  4. Sucked in under by current into tree branches, undergrowth, debris. See.video beginning
  5. Its not a hot Agusts nite in October it seems!
  6. Hang in there, dont be a pussy!.... Oh, I see now.!
  7. Just the way I like it... $hit I forgot to ask for your approval.
  8. My.oz.nab.c/card bill.is(ALWAYS) 1month late, has been for last couple yrs. Small parcels from Perth tho about 2 weeks!
  9. Sucked in one more time, you,re too easy.lol."Come in spinner"!
  10. Long wind thats blowing insurance out the window!
  11. Temporary win jobs! lol.Keep digging, 😭
  12. Maxim in name only,like tits on a ( red)bull!
  13. Gee George, your a regular barrel of $hit, shame its all about to end, I hear on the grapevine Dan wants his money back!! 😭😭
  14. Old 57 Pattaya, only wants what suits his case , same as my old 57Chev, she didnt like the bad days either!
  15. My mums favourite saying, shame she kept it in reserve for use when I was a bad boy!
  16. I reckon your wrong, sadly.
  17. Not possible to appeal to a higher authority about his trolling flaming either lately! Why is that? Is KH catholic or a mason maybe!
  18. A 'she wii be right'or'ignorancia non excuse' x 2, it seems.Your not unique. I,ve an aged oz mate, here15.yrs, who constantly mucks up coming and going, misses dates to leave,apply for extensions, lets licences expire etc etc. We have all given up on reminding him.
  19. First job you will need to do is shave your hairy bum cheeks, preferably with a cut throat!! lol
  20. First thing, ask mods to shift this to Pattaya Forum. Second thought, you wont find that rate on .inet andthai style rooms longer term are 3k bht monthly( +-)
  21. The 'mate' has been away in Oz for 4yrs, just returned to be "home on his farm".Unexpected family affairs are the reason, not tax concerns, but nice conjecture! No idea whatyour on about re portability.Cheers.
  22. Thanks, 6 weeks is what I thought too, he is a 'lifer'work-wise, same as I, so no worry there. Not sure on the "need to notify", I thought it was automatic re come.n.go?
  23. When going back for short stays, 2 or 3months for eg., do the extra benefits eg rent.assist, other allownces kick in, and how long willthey continue on your return to Thailand. A mate will now be making 3 or 4 return trips yearly.
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