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Everything posted by Olmate

  1. Pardon but ru saying Pattaya hasn't recovered since covid times? Were u awake during those 2/3 yrs?
  2. Forget rosie, go for gracegracie of god, Buddha, thai visa centre, bangkok, got all the gardens you need! Better still, Jomtien Immigration specialist"Nissan.Cambodia Travel" soi bucket ! Pattaya
  3. Whhaaat, Humour.GG, well.done❤️
  4. Its the site for the first ever new casino of course!
  5. A1 question that!
  6. Spot on but too many brains for Suzy, (Sarah, big nokky,gorgy girl) Dans gang!
  7. Hancocks 'half hour'says it all ! Perhaps Hitchcocks best was more telling?
  8. Tall poppies are grown in the fields of social media tended to by joe blo and the general public, not in their personal relationships.
  9. Hence the morning coffee shop activity, the restraunt midday late breakfast, the beer bar arvo slow drinkers and finally the nite time free for all, one of crowd piss up!
  10. Here is an other view, good xarmy vet oz mate died suddenly 12 mths back,his GF spent her last 100kbht taking care of hospital, billrelease of body, notifying relatives, Oz embassy, police clearances etc, body to bangkok oz embassy.thewhole deal by herself then.Finally a small cremation at temple.20kbht.She was not in his will, his family were and so she got from them sfa.noreimbursement, nought.! local friends and family pitched in what they could.
  11. Tucker.7/11 is out then, fark knows what your donga /digs is gonna cost?
  12. Jumboy is not Pattaya savy, hence his "ignorancia nonexcuseeee"!
  13. Quitely departed with a finalbackward glance!
  14. Aka.the wooshing sound!
  15. Get on your horse then, dont let the saddle slip on your way off screen,,, Woosh!
  16. Gill.Memorial, Salvos homefor homeless men in Melbourne founded early.1900, s.It was first of akind, sadly now its street dwellers by thousands
  17. Is that since u first joined the discussion now or way back last week when u joined this forum, Iold timer your are such a devil! Fibbing around on Saturday morning. lol. Where u from Mr?
  18. Ah.ok thank you jo, yes just spoke to my lad in bunbury 60 mil onite n.pissing down today. Bureau got that one rite. Cheers
  19. White stallion I reckon dripping left over you heading outa town via Soi 6A. Woosh.
  20. Cerrsactly Jumbo, dum drugged thaibash growingweed to keep em poorlyedumacated, nice creds yung fella! Have u had yourfake meds today!
  21. Hi.there, Jo any clue why westcoast/blues gamepostponed? Many thanx!
  22. Jumbo,s replies, posh name for a bargirl basher!
  23. Hope she is worth thetrouble, somehow I doubt the OP would know!
  24. Ok,your view but not the Nick I know, maybe.he,s got the 'faceoff' App!
  25. Utalk of him like he is ya big bro Noddy... "rack off Big Ears"! disclaimer or name dropper?
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