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Everything posted by Olmate

  1. Kiwis, "once they were warriours" u know!
  2. Bega Cheese from Bega, Sth Coast NSW, Aust, great dairy country, has many awards, is often in Big CX well priced and I found better than Mainland overall. I knew the headcheesemaker at one time, he originally was a horsebreaker, horsebreeder in the highcountry of Vic.
  3. Its got more than 5 words, we know thats gonna test you.
  4. Sounds real and very well done, love the beauty in it!
  5. Why, dont you like her?
  6. Hang on, your not going by air so youd rather all day in the flying coffin than waiting for the bus, ( by the way you can book). I have used it many times, never had to wait more than 1 departure. More bitching APU!
  7. Gocha,! that was the jibe in my reply, your not slow hey🤪
  8. Its 150bht bus direct to Swampy, KL entry free, next!
  9. Im a just a tad older than u smiler, so be carefull what u wish for. Its monger time here today, so so long for now ggboy! whoosh😂
  10. Time to sell some of my opal stash GG🤪
  11. Ah,who would have figured you would bite on that, too obvious for a bright 'cashed up' Ozzie youngster like you hey! Come in spinner! lol.
  12. Compression not a biggie for you! I said it works fine.. You jumped in with your "but they dont own the road". Who,s the bitcher? Get off your desktop, go visit, I dont mind at all.
  13. Sure is a heap youve achieved given your weak spot, still time for girl hopefully. So long druggie!
  14. Eek, we all know that, my first comment was that it works fine at BangSaray.! Do you just want to bitch Brian?
  15. Riveting life you have had, because you could.! Now to your Q. Nth Qland redneck yocal surrounded by hillbilly style weed freaks and smart as fark Italiansugar cane/weed barons. Not hard to see who the losers were.
  16. So happy you have adopted us real Ozzies penchant for bashing 'Tall Poppies'. Best leave Dork out of that catergory tho, he fails on several levels. Keep your chin up GG, but watchout, its easier to get slapped that way!!
  17. You don,t park outside them, you park where there are no eateries, pretty darn logical really.!
  18. Pop Up is again back with avengence, almost every click on new topic making unreadable, can something more reasonable be achieved please.
  19. your from the same cuntry I take it?
  20. I reeely think your wrong twice in one reply d00dle.
  21. She would have been a pushover!
  22. Betting you scramble for the leftovers!
  23. Why do you hire the fuglies?
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