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Everything posted by Olmate

  1. Think it was for kinky guys who would sometimes "come into a bit of money"!
  2. What was the police response when you reported the matter to them?
  3. Going by your prev. posting history that has been done all too often! ????
  4. Saw 3 flashy tourist buses escorted thru Pattaya by police car Saturday.
  5. Perhaps you could let Leaver know, he is always on the lookout for a good development opportunity!
  6. Hope your better with cars than names.
  7. Stuck in the "land of the long white cloud". Pity him.!
  8. Again, there has been no change by "Canberra" its called income and assets testing, the basis of determining whether you qualify or not and to assess the amount. But that doesnt suit your alarmist storyline. Next!
  9. So no subtance to your "status" rubbish here then.Off you go for another month or two then!
  10. Status is your word.When I first got OAP I continued working, declared the amount ea f/n, if under threshold received full pension, if over it was reduced.Lotto winner same. No change to my "status" lol.
  11. Still stirring the goo! Nothing changed.The lottery winner is now receiving an incomeandpension reduced accordingly.
  12. He was seriously involved with politics as a student so fair guess he knew exactly!
  13. Spot on mate, used to lunch Eurasian 2/3 times a week, lovely lady and great spot.
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