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Everything posted by EVENKEEL

  1. If possible, I know I'd travel to my home country for treatment.
  2. 66 yrs old, going to the states this month. The last thing on my mind. Actually not even on my mind.
  3. Were you guys coddled as toddlers? I'm having a hard time understanding all these theatrics over a few posts.
  4. You got me mixed up with someone else. Old age does that I'm afraid.
  5. At least your posts are getting shorter. Jesus they were long winded. Seems to me your job is all you are, all you were. Without the job you're nothing but a boring old man.
  6. I expect better comebacks from you........I guess age does diminish the gray matter as well.
  7. Absolutely nobody here really knows anybody else's career experience. Which is why it's sometimes best not to disclose too much. You responded by telling me to go die. Not very humorous, which by the way is what all this here on asean is. Now, laugh a little. I can see that your old career defined you, was your life and now you have a hard time letting go. I've posted in the past about my experience working for DOD, and in hindsight that was stupid. I was just a single digit GS lackey. In the end........nobody cares.
  8. It reflects poorly on you that you don't recognize the part of walkers post the other poster was referring to and which I responded. See below.............. "I also would be willing to bet that should trump travel internationally, not a single host nation or their security would bend over backwards to protect trump. Nobody likes him (save perhaps for putin and Kim Jong-un), and nobody respects him. Take him out in London or Berlin or Paris or Tokyo---oh well, stuff happens. All host governments and all liaison intelligence services are of the same view: a world without trump is instantly a better world." Instead of a humorous comeback he tells me to die. Because he held a lackey GS position he led a better life than mine. Pleeaassee....
  9. If I had life threatening food allergy, I wouldn't be eating out. Or, I don't think I would.
  10. I was told this story last night, they said her hospital bill was 150,000 baht and the business owner only offered to pay 50,000 baht for hospital.
  11. These fast food joints are just hurting themselves with the price gouging. Now, when back in the US we find it better to eat in regular restaurants. Thai and Vietnamese joints are our favorite where you can order something kinda healthy vs. paying more to eat a so so burger.
  12. Is sarcasm the same as irony? Sarcasm refers to the use of words that mean the opposite of what you really want to say, especially in order to insult someone, or to show irritation, or just to be funny. Does one's sense of humor diminish with age?
  13. Pet Hotel. There's a place I take our pooch to when we travel. It takes a decent sized lot and some distance from neighbors for noise but they make good money.
  14. Every time biden climbs the shortened stairs into Air Force 1, there's a chance.
  15. Ye have little faith in Trump's chance of a second term. Everyday I start the day with US news expecting to see Biden has stepped down.
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