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Everything posted by EVENKEEL

  1. I do all the above you mentioned, have a kid, an old house that always needs something and yes I still get bored.
  2. If I lived in the US where I own properties I would be busy with them instead of paying the property management people for upkeep. The sala looks crazy nice.
  3. That is entirely true. I sometimes think about the life I can have after the kid goes to Uni, and you're right about the money issue. I'll send the ole lady back to Isaan and I'll be foot loose and fancy free....again. Five star hotels at beach resorts is a nice way to live.
  4. I got to ask, what's your job in Oman? Why Oman? although they have some exquisite beach resorts.
  5. Years back it was said a guy retiring to the Philippines had a life expectancy of 5 years due to excess drinking and just not taking care of yourself including smoking and eating wrong foods.
  6. It figures you're a "never bored" guy.
  7. Mayer is an entertainer, period. I get a kick out of his monologues. I don't have to agree with his opinions all the time, lately he's been making fun of biden as well as Trump. I like his war on the woke brigade. I tune into him for a laugh and a different insight into the world around us. Just like Joe Rogan, he has some interesting people on his show. I tune into him all the time as well.
  8. So, there are multiple ways for a retiree to spend his days here in Thailand I guess. I was calling Thailand my home for a good 10 yrs before I retired. Had a kid, bought couple houses, cars all paid for. I have things to do here like a bit of yard work, taking care of the kid, the beach is nearby, nice gym. Having said that I find myself bored at times and I wonder about the guys who rent a place, no kids, no other family in Thailand, How do you fill your time, your days with constructive things. I can see where drinking can become part of a routine. There is always a group who says "I'm never bored" Really? Seems like the gym, golf and bike riding tops the list of entertainment. AN can become addictive as well.
  9. I find it telling when there's no one here trying to defend biden. I understand, https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/biden-s-attempt-to-capitalone-memory-issue-backfires-with-new-gaffe/ar-BB1i0pMf Toward the end of his remarks, Biden mistakenly referred to Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi as the leader of Mexico.
  10. Democratic lawmakers, including Senators Jeff Merkley and Tina Smith, denounced Hur's comments as inappropriate and accused him of politicizing his role as special counsel. So now its inappropriate to give a professional analysis.
  11. The one in Central Festival Mall in Pattaya has the platinum option which offers some nice beef, much better than the train food.
  12. Do you honestly believe he will continue taking care of said family. The wife doesn't work....probably, the grandmother who is probably in her 50's doesn't work....probably. The reality in my book is they are beyond lazy, they don't look beyond the next meal and are willing to let this trash stay with them.
  13. You know Kamala is already practicing her speeches for when biden announces he's bowing out. But, not much time left for dems to have a different candidate. Do they really think they can prop biden up till after the elections and then have harris take the reins?
  14. He can't speak. Don't the American people deserve a president who can utter a complete sentence without losing his train of thought. But, time is running out for the Dems to pick another candidate. Even CNN isn't holding back any longer, the segment I watched, they were dragging biden under the bus about his speech and lost memory.
  15. Just watched a segment on CNN about biden's poor memory. Sounded like CNN was trying to drag biden under the bus....yikes. Could this be the end of biden?
  16. It's so painful listening to biden speak. biden's handlers saying everything is fine, biden is fit as a fiddle is perplexing. Almost like a parallel universe. There is no way a sane person who hears biden speak thinks he's just fine.
  17. Times have changed. So, a non American is in favor of US having open borders, your opinion is rather meaningless.
  18. On behalf of us posters, I just want to apologize for the laughing emoji. Some folks have no manners.
  19. It started at the 2020 debates where biden told migrants to surge the border when he becomes president. bidden created this disaster and now you want America to trust him to fix it.
  20. One of the things about this style place if it's a place where you order off an app is that you forget what you ordered, and if you get 15+ people ordering things can get out of hand where you forget who ordered what. The food doesn't come all at once, it comes as it's prepared and you cook at table.
  21. For biden's first 3 yrs in office the border wasn't a priorty. In fact during the debates biden told asylum seekers to surge the border. But, you knew that already.
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