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Everything posted by EVENKEEL

  1. Besides the tragedy of a death. Kudos to the old man at age 86 having a morning drinking session.
  2. You're a prime example of the nastiness of biden supporters.
  3. Agreed, they're taking better care of the newly arrived than our own citizens.
  4. When I retired 4 yrs ago making low 100's K yearly I thought I was doing good. Guess I was wrong. So hard to imagine the damage biden has done to America.
  5. Hey, I'm sure its hard letting go of your dream of biden winning. But the warning signs are there.
  6. Waiting for the announcement of biden leaving the campaign trail. C'mon if we're honest we know its going to happen. Trump's pick for VP will probably further his lead.
  7. Shows some want to avoid the crowds leaving the parking lot. That wouldn't be a concern at a biden rally.
  8. Why does throwing the joint highlight ignorance? I'm curious.
  9. Bus Stop. Oh Bob how low have you fallen. Maybe you mean you saw the monk from your Benz.
  10. Remember wearing masks riding solo on motorbikes just to appease the populace.
  11. BHP hasn't required masks for least 1 1/2 yrs.
  12. My bike is 1200cc and those 160 cc monsters are actually taller than my bike.
  13. I saw demons once. Very scary. Having said that, getting extremely high before bed makes some fantastic dreams.
  14. Just did my 12 month extension today. I'm very sorry to report not a word of taxes was mentioned.
  15. I think we need a discussion thread here about the Big Bike test.
  16. Please stop the nonsense. Noone here nor is Trump suggesting kids don't get the shots for diseases as they've been getting for decades. Now go get the xxxth booster......hurry now.
  17. My youth was corrupted when I was sent to Subic to catch my first ship at 18 yrs of age in the mid 70's. This was a golden time in Olongapo. T-shirts proudly labeled it "The Pearl of the Orient" The main drag is Magsaysay and it was a maze of clubs with bands both rock and country. For the next 4 yrs and 3 west pacs I was in heaven. It was a time of Marshall Law which meant all sailors had to be out of the clubs, off the streets and behind doors or back on base by midnight. Walking back across Sh@t River at 2350 the girls were lined up trying to grab hold of the sailors. OK, back to the present. I give Thailand thumbs up over PI.
  18. You know covid vax is what Trump was referring to. During my 20+ years with DOD I was given all including Anthrax shots. Doesn't mean I'm giving my kid a vax for covid.
  19. I'm a natural. Those squiggly lines under the word means it was misspelled.
  20. Knowing how to ride MC and riding a motorbike in Thailand is way different as stated before.
  21. It helps when you read all the posts to understand the meaning. You're welcome.
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