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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. My guess is most non-Americans would favor Kamala over a 78 yo moral vacuum.
  2. I regret staying in a marriage for far too long, out of a sense of duty and responsibility. Two best things I did was following my father's advice to avoid debt like the plague, and coming to Thailand to retire.
  3. IMO it's pretty stupid to wear light-colored pants if one has that kind of problem.
  4. Harris 62%, Trump 38% at time of this posting. Sample size 45, statisticians prefer 100 or above. Hurry up MAGA's, Russian bots and trolls. Trump is trailing badly. Be of good cheer, you can always say this poll is rigged.
  5. Most of the farangs I play golf with are right-handed. Very few lefties.
  6. Perish the thought I should be American, I could never achieve that level of paranoia.
  7. Read before posting, it's missing a word. Don't know about urination, but folks probably have Trump defecating in front of them, without knowing it. He has the nickname Diaper Don for a reason.
  8. The German term for your reaction is schadenfreude, which means enjoyment of someone else's misfortune. Which makes you a pretty sick person in the sick society you are bemoaning.
  9. I have posted multiple times I have only had unprotected sex in Thailand with my GF, and that was after knowing her for two years. Absolutely stupid not to wear a condom in Thailand for anything else, STD's are abundant, including ones that are antibiotic resistant.
  10. Trump seems to spend most of his time scowling and being angry. The haters are piling on Harris because she laughs and chuckles. I agree, it is a sick society when so many people are siding with a white supremacist, misogynistic, racist serial liar.
  11. Every article I have seen on DJT says the stock is essentially worthless. Which is true of most stocks. when income is far outweighed by expenditure. It's another Trump con.
  12. His finances certainly are. Unraveling them would take a Cray supercomputer a few years.
  13. You are quite clueless, aren't you? Trump couldn't care less how many Russians or Ukrainians die. He makes statements like " I want them to stop dying" because he thinks such comments will garner him votes. A guy who describes dead US soldiers as "suckers and losers" and does not want to be seen with disabled vets has zero empathy. What makes you think he has suddenly found it w.r.to Ukraine?
  14. The OP could go to the US, where making porn is legal. I understand Trump is an authority on porn stars, might be a mentor.
  15. I'm sorry, I should have put a sarcasm alert on the post for your benefit.
  16. I get it - there is no such thing as Republican propaganda, only unvarnished truth.
  17. You know nothing about me, or the media I read. Ad hominem attacks are your forte. I suggest you read " Straight and Crooked Thinking " by R H Thouless. An oldie, but a goodie. It's how I filter all the Trumper BS.
  18. AFAIK most of the nutters are white nationalists, armed and dangerous.
  19. Don't forget to list the Christchurch shootings, done by a white nationalist who was decidedly right-wing. In your neck of the woods, I understand. Let's face facts, shall we? The biggest domestic terrorism threat is from extreme right wingers.
  20. I'd say people with any sense of what's right - morality, ethics, call it what you will - still care about truth. Perhaps you have lost that compass, and swallow Trump's lies without even blinking.
  21. IMO I am not alone in questioning how wealthy Trump really is. Consider the following facts: 1/ Trump was the only President in US history to refuse to make his tax returns public. 2/ He could not come up with the $450 odd million to appeal the Engoron judgment. It was then reduced. Bond was arranged through a shell company which had less NTA than the new bond. 3/ He is using campaign funds to pay his legal expenses. 4/ He owes Deutsche Bank somewhere north of $400 million, which loans mostly fall due in the next couple of years. 5/ He owns 17 golf courses. Nearly all of them are losing money hand over fist. He can't get PGA endorsement for any of them. 6/ He has had six bankruptcies on his business record. 7/ Contrary to popular belief, many of the properties with the Trump name on them are not owned by him. They are leased. What kind of billionaire flogs gold sneakers and bibles? True, he's excellent at grifting a low IQ base, but one has to wonder whether his purported wealth is not all smoke and mirrors.
  22. I missed that. Perhaps I have had enough of being the syntax and spelling police for morons.
  23. I used the word grazed. Nicked denotes a deeper penetration. At no point did I deny the ear was hit. Don't be obtuse. He is surrounded by flags and posters,and is standing at a lectern. Crooks fired 8 shots, some of which did not hit people.Otherwise we would have 8 casualties, yes? I am saying the extent of his injury was probably exaggerated, for his adoring sheeple.
  24. I've seen a few guys here die from liver failure. It was not a good death. They died in a lot of pain, seeing blood in one's number twos must be scary. I have not had anything to drink for 18 months, and I was not a big drinker before that. I don't miss it.
  25. It sounds better for the Trumpers if a bullet actually hit Trump's ear. It's now two weeks since the assassination attempt. No guy his age would be sporting an apparently undamaged ear in that time with a bullet wound, guys that age don't heal that fast. More likely it was a graze or flying debris. Occam's razor.

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