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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. It would appear there are 19 women, apart from E.Jean Carroll, who have come forward to say Trump sexually assaulted them. Victims of a sex predator can feed off each other too. Carroll has set the precedent. It's hard to say which is smaller, Trump's d!ck or his brain. The same probably goes for his supporters, although they are clear winners in the knuckle-dragging area.
  2. Americans spell aluminium as aluminum, and pronounce the element that way. Words of more than 3 or 4 syllables are too taxing. They could rename all the metallic elements with an "ium" suffix, e.g. sodum, calcum, potassum, radum, following that precept. Just trying to protect the honour of English, and it has nothing to do with my keyboard.
  3. My last flight from Melbourne to Bangkok was with Thai Airways, mainly because I had had enough of Jetstar, for a variety of reasons. It was quite a pleasant experience, if they can stay competitive on pricing I'll be a repeat customer.
  4. IMO it's part of Asian culture the woman manages the household finances and pays the bills. OTOH, in Western culture the male usually pays.
  5. You are correct. However, it is still a matter of fact some rural dwellers became fat deficient on a diet of rabbit meat, although entirely possible they were eating kangaroo too. I prefer rabbit meat over kangaroo, unless roo is young it tastes musty to me. Myxomatosis made less of a dent in the rabbit populations of the hotter regions of Australia, it needed moisture and mosquitoes to spread it. Conversely, calcivirus ravaged the hot regions, and did not seem to be as effective in colder areas. Before calcivirus, if you ordered chicken chow mein at an inland Chinese restaurant, there was a fair chance you were getting rabbit instead. Bones in rabbit never bothered me. I would get 10 or 20 in an evening's hunt, and only ate the hind legs. The station dogs were happy to eat the rest.
  6. I turned 80 in May 2023.
  7. If the passenger was a trained professional pilot who was qualified to fly the aircraft he was transported on, he might have a point. On balance of probabilities, it's very unlikely. Given there are flight factors aircrew have to deal with passengers are blissfully unaware of, it would be foolish to be second-guessing their actions.
  8. I can only hope you are not drinking like him when you post, although it may explain your typos.
  9. Latin has a real gift of being able to express concepts simply. In some instances, also brutally. Monkeying with it to produce feeble puns is an insult to a language which, while dead, has given so many words to English. If you ever post the word "irregardless" I will send a mob of emus to kick your dunny down.
  10. IMO the Thai authorities are doing what they excel at, fence-sitting. Who knows how much Russian oil they are quietly buying.
  11. I prefer pork with the fat completely grilled out of it. Having said that, there is nothing wrong with fat per se. Inuits live on a diet very high in fat. The problem starts when too much sugar and carbohydrate is in a diet, because the body is metabolizing those compounds instead of fat, which then accumulates. During the Depression in Australia, some rural families actually became fat deficient, because they were living mainly on rabbit meat, which is the leanest meat of all.
  12. I am a one-finger typist. My autobiography runs to 155,000 words. Perhaps the reason you cannot type competently is you are going too fast. Festina lente.
  13. I enjoy reading my posts again, mainly because I am always looking for ways to improve them. A thought more elegantly phrased, perhaps. Your posts are discombobulated because you don't wish to improve. Perhaps you regard your posts as perfection, or a work of art.
  14. "I would be that"? I would suggest making an appointment with a neurologist, to check the connections between your brain and your fingers.
  15. If people respect me, I respect them back. If they don't, I don't. Ever since the Roman writer Juvenal, the old have been saying the younger generations are going to hell in a hand basket. I suppose one major change today is social media enabling the flow of information and helpful advice. Unfortunately, it has also facilitated people who should have their feeding instructions tattooed on their foreheads.
  16. I can make thousands of posts without a single typo, and it does not matter which keyboard I am using. What am I doing wrong?
  17. By getting GG to have a monkey type his posts, it is highly probable we will never see another of his posts in our lifetimes. A very cunning plan.
  18. I have found reading my posts after I have typed them is the best way to avoid typos.
  19. 80 yo, one marriage, divorced about 30 years ago.
  20. Your mistake was a typo. It was not a speling mistake, such as the one I have just made deliberately to illustrate my point. That was like drawing teeth, by the way. The things I do for you.
  21. I think you are, if you are putting forward Vietnam ( no long term visa ) Malaysia ( too expensive ) or Cambodia ( a sh!thole ) as options. Non-resident tax is a fact, its application under the current systems of definition is not, irrespective of how much you may wish it to be so.
  22. Sounds to me like you got burnt in Thailand or elsewhere, and are envious of those who have negotiated relationships more successfully. What's the age gap between you and your wife, or is she just a figment of your imagination dragged out to try scoring points?
  23. Where in my post did I talk about anything to do with Australia? Are you losing the plot?
  24. I have no problem with being in a country where I can have a GF 23 years younger than me. I also have no problem with the fact she cannot strip me of half my assets if we split up, as happens all the time in Western countries. She is anything but second rate, and your post stinks of bigotry.

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