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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. You like being woken up at 2 am? Let me guess - you have BPH.
  2. I have never been tempted to steal, that's probably why I am not rich. Not interested in rape either, sex with an unwilling woman reminds me of my marriage. IMO we already have aspects of the thought police, when there are clumsy expressions such as African-American.
  3. In the condo, no idea. It's pretty quiet, everyone minds their own business. In the village, we have one neighbor who keeps chickens. A lot of them. The roosters get into full song about 2 am. Another neighbor has about 6 dogs. They set up a howling chorus for ten minutes at 3 am. The last neighbor is quiet, and trades bananas and vegetables to my GF. His only quirk is firing a shotgun during thunderstorms to ward off evil spirits.
  4. You mean instead of using them to post on ASEAN?
  5. Buy a kettle, and boil the water. Cheaper, and just as effective. In fact, more so if the supply is chlorinated.
  6. Going by the English I have seen posted by several who claim to be English teachers, I would say the OP can teach French, provided he can walk and chew gum simultaneously.
  7. I re-invented myself when I moved to Thailand 12 years ago. I left Australia because I was stagnating, and did not like the feeling. I would not want to become a psychiatrist. Pathology is good, the patients don't need a bedside manner. I have enough problems understanding myself, let alone other people.
  8. Most pharmaceuticals here can be obtained by simply showing an empty box of the medication, or a note in writing. If the drug is not available at a local pharmacy, it's because it is addictive or dangerous, e.g. an opioid. Then the only resort is a hospital pharmacy, after getting a doctor's prescription. AFAIK Viagra ( Sidegra ) has always been available over the counter here.
  9. Who remembers programs such as MINITAB? Apparently they are still a going concern in system analytics. A steel mill I worked for in the 1970's had computer control of the hot rolling process, data was punched out and read using paper tape.
  10. Have you noticed males are quite willing to spend vast amounts of cash in pursuit of a female posterior, whereas the reverse is quite rare?
  11. Of course it is.
  12. Thailand is not a country where people with disabilities are catered for, they have to shift for themselves. Or, as the OP has said, have a Thai family to assist them. My GF's brother can only walk a few steps, he has one of those three-wheeler electric scooters, and an attentive wife.
  13. IMO it's time to pull the plug when one no longer has quality of life. Physical as well as mental. Mens sana in corpore sano. I have already availed myself of several miracles of modern medicine, and accept my luck may run out at any time. The light emanates from my GF's posterior in equal measure. Thank you for your good wishes.
  14. It was an experiment, to see if I could free up enough for a new car. I concluded it was not practical. The Australian pension plus other income was sailing too close to the wind. I'm still driving an old car which will probably outlast me.
  15. You could always have a Viking funeral instead, with your EV as the longboat. I tried the monthly income route one year, it was such a PITA with the AUD exchange rate fluctuations I went back to the 800K method.
  16. I will still have the Australian OAP, if the politicians haven't decreed euthanasia for me beforehand.
  17. Cash in baht? Enough to last me for two years in Thailand, living fairly modestly. I don't drink, non-smoker, have a steady GF. I don't touch the 800K baht required for the retirement extension. I also have cash and other fairly liquid assets in Australia. Enough to last until I am over 100, not that it's likely I'll get there.
  18. One can diet all they want, but there's not much point if the existing body fat is not burned up with exercise. Back on topic, Cheez Whiz sounds and looks absolutely revolting. Flavored plasticine. This is what I call real cheese. https://www.woolworths.com.au/shop/productdetails/217927/king-island-dairy-lighthouse-blue-cheese-cheese
  19. You may be right, it's a long time since I was there on a regular basis. I blame obesity on two factors - sugar in everything, and the prevalence of cheap processed foods - pasta, rice, bread etc. For me, eating low carb vegetables and low glycemic fruit worked wonders, after banning sugar in everything I could. As a bonus, I also found I could eat as much protein, yoghurt, and cheese as I wanted, without putting weight back on.
  20. You think it's sensible to serve beer at 10 C when it is 40 C in the shade? If you did that in outback Australia, you would be tarred and feathered.
  21. Australian beer is no different to American or UK beers, average ABV 4-5%. As with any other country, there are weaker and stronger ABV's available there. I don't think you do any research before posting stupid comments.
  22. I forget who it was said rentals can go at least 20 mph faster than a privately-owned vehicle. I suspect the real reason would be the cost of insurance, there's probably a premium on that over an ICE, which gets multiplied by the EV risk. Another factor may be Hertz makes no profit on refuelling.
  23. Why would you automatically assume eternal damnation? We keep getting told by believers their god is merciful.
  24. We are a nation divided. The bogans have Christmas dinner with roast beef and plum pudding, just like Brits do. Sensible in the UK, insanity in 40 C. We civilized Australians, who are not descended from the dregs of English society, eat cold crayfish with a Vasse Felix classic dry white on December 25.

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