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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. You can buy dumbbells at any sports store or Big C, mine cost 300 baht. Use Agoda to find hotels, preferably one with a swimming pool, good aerobic exercise.
  2. I don't take any medication without knowing precisely what it is, and what the potential side effects are, either alone or in combination with anything else. It's pharmaceutical Russian roulette to do otherwise.
  3. Alloys? AFAIK lightweight tents and struts are made of fabric and fibreglass.
  4. Dalat in the mountains has a temperate climate, IIRC it's a magnet for birdwatchers ( feathered variety ). The water puppet show in Hanoi is well worth seeing.
  5. Q: Why do we never see a pregnant Barbie? A: Ken comes in another box.
  6. Certainly such people have my sympathy. As one of our Prime Ministers famously remarked. life was not meant to be easy. Of course, he came from a background of wealth and privilege.
  7. It depends on what one defines as needs. I have little sympathy for people on low incomes who smoke, drink, or do drugs.
  8. I paid off the mortgage on my first house within 18 months. Nowadays, it's 40-50 years. That repayment time exists now because Australia has housing policies such as negative gearing which favor the rich. It's a sacred cow that is ripe for slaughter. It's one thing to tax the rich equitably, another entirely to give them legal rorts not available to the average wage earner. Some people live from paycheck to paycheck because they must. Others do because they cannot forgo the latest smartphone, new car, big house, entertainment system or clothing fashion trend. They don't know how to save money, and spend a lot on non-essentials. My father taught me to avoid debt like the plague. It's why I will die solvent.
  9. The obvious problem with your question is how one finds enough honest knowledgeable people who are willing to go into politics.
  10. It depends on who you talk to. He's a hero to most Thais north of Ayutthaya. The same Thais regard Prayut as the criminal.
  11. Guess again. My GF's village is 25 km south of Chiang Rai, that makes two falangs.
  12. Reciprocated.
  13. There is no way of knowing the full extent of the loans taken out by Trump to pay for other assets which are not part of the current indictment. Trump refused to release his tax returns for many years. A person does not do that unless he has something to hide. Trump has many real estate assets, acquired via loans. If those assets are losing money hand over fist, I'd say there is quite a few nervous banks. It reminds me of a quote by Alan Bond, who went to prison for financial fraud. " If I owe a bank $50,000, I've got a problem. If I owe a bank $50 million, they're the ones who have the problem".
  14. I did not choose, that was the way I saw the comment. Would you condone an adult assaulting a child so violently? I don't go out of my way to attack people. If they attack me, however, they can expect a return of serve.
  15. Your sentence is ambiguous, it can be interpreted in two ways. Another poster (OneMoreFarang) read it the same way as I did: "So much about that. You must be a proud dad. And hopefully you would get the bill for all those new teeth." You probably lack the manners to admit it.
  16. I suspect Trump's wealth is vastly overstated, and it's a house of cards awaiting a puff of wind to collapse it.
  17. I quote: "He never apologized, if it was my kid, he would need all his teeth replaced." That was in your first post. You are the one who is a liar. Or perhaps you have dementia.
  18. I would grieve over a loved one. The body left behind is just that - a body.
  19. Once I am dead, I will not care what anyone does with my body. It will be a husk with no life, apart from some intestinal bacteria.
  20. "What about" is the stock in trade of Trump fanboys. What I find mind-boggling are the people who contribute to his campaign fund, when they must know half of it is going in legal fees. AFAIK he's not spending any of his own money to defend himself. Lawyers will only work for him if they are paid in advance. It seems the more indictments that are piled on an obvious felon, the more his base sends in contributions, as witness what he raised from a scowling mugshot. IMO his contributors set a new zenith of gullibility and stupidity.
  21. Lacessit

    Head or Heart.

    A sad choice to have to make, good luck.
  22. Classic deflection, you started off by saying if you had a male child he would lose all his teeth if he kissed a girl. What do you mean by accost? You are going to be very busy if you want to bash every male for speaking to your daughters.
  23. I can remember a former GF of mine who was astounded by my having all the coat hangers in my wardrobe facing the same way, with shirts, trousers and jackets all in sections.
  24. Don't stop there, what was the best thing that happened to you with your clothes off?
  25. I have what is termed an obstructive prostate, due to BPH. Hardly surprising, given my age. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5717991/ I have had several discussions with my urologist in Australia, who is very highly qualified ( FRCS, FRACS ) with lots of experience. I am currently on medication,. I was asking him if I would be better off having a TURP, as medication affects libido in most cases. He recommended I stick with the medication until it is no longer effective, as all other procedures have significant risks of incontinence, impotence, and retrograde ejaculation. He stated the gold standard of fully obstructive BPH was a TURP. According to him, Rezum and TURP have the same level of risk. Prostate Artery Embolization is a comparatively new technique where microspheres are injected into the blood vessels supplying the prostate, causing it to shrink. The turf war ( his words ) arises from the fact radiologists perform embolization, urologists do not. What treatments have you had? What detrimental side effects did you have after treatment?

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