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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. IMO it's inevitable governments will increase the age required to qualify for a pension, in response to (a) the increased average life span in many countries (b) the smaller population of working age people available to support pensioners via taxes. IIRC Greece now has a pension system which is financially unsustainable.
  2. I'm done with travel, except essential. Had enough of it in my working life. A golf course and swimming pool is as far as I want to go.
  3. Gee, I got both Sinovac and Pfizer. I should be dead, it's only the opportunity of responding to richardhead anti-vaxxers on social media that is keeping me alive.
  4. If I was to win the lottery, I would still want to live in Thailand. It's a state of mind, I find living in Australia too stifling. It's not improved when I compare Australian women to Thai women.
  5. I asked my very experienced urologist in Australia whether I should stay on my finasteride/doxazosin medication, or have a TURP ( Holep ). He responded it was better to stay with the current medication, as the risk of incontinence and retrograde ejaculation after a TURP was quite high. I do not currently have RE. Apparently my chances of getting it after a TURP are about 50%. Subsequent to that, my GP switched me to Doubluts, after I complained I was getting up 4-5 times a night to pee. Doubluts is 500 uG of dutasteride, 400 uG of tamsulosin. It did improve my night excursions to twice mostly. It is available in Thailand, I was quoted 1800 baht for a month's supply ( 30 tablets ). I would suggest the OP needs to talk to a good urologist.
  6. I assumed from his mention of sukhumvit he is in Thailand. Is there anything else of total irrelevance you wish to add?
  7. One scenario - probability unknown - is Russia becoming a vassal of China. Siberia must be looking awfully tempting to the Chinese , after seeing how ineptly the Russian army is performing in Ukraine. There's certainly more Russians in Thailand than ever before, they may be a significant component of the next expat generation.
  8. Being asked for money does not create an obligation to give it. I don't know why the OP is picking on Thailand, I've been dunned by beggars in New York and London.
  9. Impossible to forecast 20 years ahead. Tell me how many Communist 5-year plans actually worked as intended. I don't know about America. Given what is happening in Australia, IMO it's quite possible the influx from there will increase. I am currently in Australia, and I am heartily sick of the sight of fat bums on women.
  10. I have been a landlord as well, in Australia. My first tenant was brilliant, the second OK. The third tenant I finished up evicting, after he decided to rebuild his motorbike in one of the bedrooms, ruining the carpet with sump oil. Didn't even have the brains to put down a protector. The first two tenants I returned the whole bond immediately, the last I deducted the cost of replacing the carpet. From the stories I hear in Thailand, keeping the security deposit/bond seems to occur frequently, without justification.
  11. Quite sad how this thread became a barnyard for bigots. Dictionary Definitions from Oxford Languages · Learn more bigot /ˈbɪɡət/ noun noun: bigot; plural noun: bigots a person who is obstinately or unreasonably attached to a belief, opinion, or faction, especially one who is prejudiced against or antagonistic towards a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular group.
  12. Rent from a Westerner landlord, then you are on an equal footing. Trying to recover a security deposit from a Thai is an exercise in futility. My first year in Chiang Mai, I paid one month's security deposit. I then said I have proved I will look after the apartment as if it is my own. I've paid my rent before the due date every month. Do you want to keep a good tenant? From then on, I paid no security deposit on the lease, for the next nine years.
  13. It's actually scrap polyurethane which has been milled into small pieces, then bonded together in a mold with a further polyol/isocyanate adhesive. Places such as Thai Watsadu may stock it, I bought a mattress-sized sheet of it in Chiang Rai at one of those stores that seem to stock every bit of hardware conceivable.
  14. If you are doing all the giving, and she gives nothing back, what are you waiting for? Go.
  15. Toast and Vegemite. Two poached eggs. Bran, stewed apple and ginger, topped with yoghurt. Washed down with a cup of tea.
  16. Being too sore for sex is a huge red flag.
  17. Perhaps one of the questions is redundant, given it's automatic someone opting out of submitting a tax return pays no tax.
  18. Absolute BS. You're the one peddling misinformation. What part of my wording " maybe a bone graft" did you not understand?
  19. IQ is a function of education, in a country where the system is designed to inculcate obedience and conformity. Development of students who question the status quo is dangerous to the ruling elite. Statistically, the difference between an IQ of 89 and one of 90 is meaningless, as is the relevance of your response.
  20. I agree. However, vote buying is less repugnant than voting with a gun pointed at you.
  21. Or have someone who will always do the ironing for you.
  22. I had one bout of gout in my big toe, could not bear the weight of a cotton sheet on it in bed. Doctor prescribed Indocid ( NSAID ). Pain gone in a few hours, I've never had a recurrence.
  23. I have had 3 implants, and can vouch for them. Two are nearly ten years old. Beware of any dentist who promises an implant within a couple of weeks, they have a high failure rate. A proper implant with maybe a bone graft takes several months, the success rate is 95%.
  24. I'm guessing you have an ample supply.
  25. You've never been kicked in the goolies? If not, don't worry. You're not missing anything.

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