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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. Bought Kelloggs All=Bran on Lazada, about the same price as in Australia. Going forward to next year, I have paid 23,000 baht for a return ticket Bangkok to Melbourne. With flight changes permitted, and 20 kg hold luggage. IMO that's a pretty good deal post-COVID.
  2. Apparently there's a judge in New York that agrees.
  3. I speak and comprehend Thai quite competently. Don't bruise yourself jumping to conclusions.
  4. Reality is for people who can handle it.
  5. You may be right about the Thai roads. IMO your philosophy won't work too well in a bar with half a dozen Thais, or in the aftermath of a road accident. I don't think I am a coward, just not a testosterone-fuelled idiot.
  6. I suggest you take a look at the number of years I have been posting, and the content. I am several football fields separated from KH's wordy and repetitive posts.
  7. Over quite a few years, but don't let that deter you. I can say I have not made about 400 posts on a single thread, as you have.
  8. Because there are many Thais who own guns, and we are not permitted to own them too. If I get tired of listening to the chickens, dogs and cats in the village, I can always move back to my condo, and listen to the traffic instead. Noise is omnipresent in Thailand, I ignore it.
  9. It is made as an infusion, by boiling in water. I understand the ratio is ten leaves to one litre of water. Refrigerate after cooling down. It may or may not work for you, everyone is different. Half a cup is enough for me. It is addictive, which is why I only use it occasionally. I take it on an empty stomach, eat something sweet ( e.g. mango ) afterwards as it is somewhat bitter. I have a supplier, kratom can also be bought on Lazada.
  10. IMO the uncompetitive talent pools are a predictable outcome of the Thai education system, with its emphasis on conformity and obedience. You reap as you sow.
  11. Another poster laughing at his lame and puerile jokes. Do you have a life outside ASEAN?
  12. The size of the man's wallet is really all that matters to many Thai women. I have noticed Thai women tend to gravitate towards white skins. They associate dark skins with working in the rice fields, i.e. low class. I can remember a quite wealthy Indian guy complaining about how Thai women disrespected him.
  13. Permit me to doubt Centrelink is hiring private detectives to establish relationship status. Stopping over for a night for a recreational bonk is not criminal, or fraud. I forget who it was said governments should stay out of people's bedrooms, Elon Musk is the latest to say it.
  14. Speaking of incorrect, aren't you the guy claiming the AUD was collapsing?
  15. You're as funny as root canal therapy.
  16. If people are living at different residential addresses, they can legally claim to be separated under Centrelink rules.
  17. I have found occasional use of kratom to be quite effective in eliminating lower back pain, about 2-3 times a week. I had steroid injections for carpal tunnel syndrome, eventually they destroy nerve conduits. Has the cause of your pain been identified? There is a big difference between osteoarthritis and a pinched nerve. Apologies if not quite on topic.
  18. What environmental considerations? Battery manufacture for EV's is much more polluting. Vehicle mass of an EV compared to the corresponding ICE does more damage to road surfaces. Unless the EV is refueled solely from renewable energy, they are w@^king themselves on that score too. The public charging stations in Chiang Mai province get their electricity from Mae Moh power station, possibly the dirtiest generator on the planet.
  19. The aim of any replacement technology is to be cheaper and more efficient than its predecessor, permit me to doubt lemons fulfill the second requirement. ASEAN would not be complete without a cohort of aspiring comedians.
  20. RIP a superb singer, with impeccable diction.
  21. Having worked in the mining industry, I can say with confidence it's 4-5 years. That's assuming the stuff being mined is reasonably innocuous, e.g. iron ore. With lithium, who knows? For example, it took 8 years for the world's richest rare earth deposit, Mt Weld, to get from mining startup to final processing in Malaysia.
  22. Do you know how long it takes to develop mining and processing infrastructure for any deposit? What are you saying is an alternative battery material?
  23. They may be mandated for government vehicles. I can't see it happening for the whole population, because there simply isn't enough lithium available to supply the level of demand. The world would have to open up 10-20 new mines a year, for the next 20 years. We will have ICE's around for quite a while yet, and they may get a new lease of life with hydrogen fuelling them.
  24. As another poster has said, keep an eye on kidney function, as NSAID's can be quite damaging. Regular eGFR checks will tell the story.

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