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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. Cities such as Chiang Mai and Chiang Rai are much cheaper to live in than Bangkok. It's unarguable rents are lower. Medications may be more expensive, massages are lower cost. It all depends on what one wants. In the village I can have a 1 hour massage for 120 baht. In CR, 200 baht. I have yet to see any in Bangkok for less than 300 baht.
  2. Some 500 years ago, Paracelsus observed "The dose makes the poison". Even water is toxic if imbibed in sufficient amounts. Some foods are quite poisonous if not properly prepared, e.g. lectins in red kidney beans, cyanide in bamboo, tetrodotoxin in pufferfish, thiaminase in nardoo seed. The residual amounts of those toxins do not cause problems after correct treatment.
  3. The OP should take up golf. Walk on nice grass without any trip hazards. Thais are not taught how to read maps, for obvious reasons. An educated population would be dangerous.
  4. Thai "regulations" make prostitution and gambling illegal. Given where Thailand sits on the world corruption index, the last sentence of your post is an exercise in futility, and wishful thinking.
  5. Dictionary Definitions from Oxford Languages · Learn more mis·an·thrope /ˈmis(ə)nˌTHrōp/ noun noun: misanthropist a person who dislikes humankind and avoids human society. "Scrooge wasn't the mean-spirited misanthrope most of us believe him to be" Misanthrope is more commonly used, although I have never heard of a philanthrope. One of the quirks of English.
  6. If you read as widely as I do, you would know there does not seem to be any standardized method of dealing with an EV fire. Except perhaps walk away, and leave the stored energy to burn itself out. EV fires cannot be extinguished, the have their own oxygen supply. Nor is there any specification in congested areas of how EV's should be parked to minimize risk. "In cases of a lithium-ion battery fire, firefighters will cool down the battery and place it in a container with water to stop re-ignitions" I don't know if that is Mr. Dewberry's statement, or that of a reporter. However, I find it difficult to believe a 60 KWh battery which is on fire can be cooled down or placed in a container of water, without causing serious injury, or death. Metallic lithium is the lightest of the alkali metals, before sodium and potassium. It reacts with water to generate hydrogen in exactly the same way - violent exotherm. If anything is ignorant, it is the addle-headed notion, shared by most EV owners, that they are saving the planet.
  7. I would be a loser if I lived in Australia. Here, I'm a winner.
  8. Would you kindly point me to an ISO standard which specifies chemical composition, physical structure and energy density to ensure the safe operation of batteries in EV's. You know, so they don't torch innocent ICE owners' vehicles in an underground car park. Mr. Dewberry's experience is reactive, in dealing with the aftermath. Permit me to doubt he has any experience or input to the manufacturing process and specifications. Which are probably different for individual brands, from a Tesla to an Atto. IMO EV's are as Wild West as cryptocurrency, and have the same characteristics of a religion among followers.
  9. I can't do much about being old, except try to maintain quality of life via diet and exercise. I am happy with my own company, so I don't feel lonely. IMO loneliness is a choice, unless one is a total misanthropist there will always be people with similar interests to talk to.
  10. IMO Mr. Dewberry is an ignorant fool. Batteries coming out of China meet higher standards and regulations when the profit motive is in play? Yeah right. I think it's a safe bet Mr. Dewberry has no scientific or engineering background.
  11. China and India are buying said oil at a deep discount to what the Russians were getting when their oil and gas was being sold to the Europeans. The products were also being transported by the cheapest method possible, pipelines. There are no significant pipelines going from Russia to China or India. It has to be transported by ship, and Russia does not own any supertankers. The profit margin on the new market is much less, and Russia can't find any Western shipping insurers to take on the freight risks. In Ukraine, it is estimated Russia has lost over 4000 battle tanks, and more than 8000 armored personnel carriers. That has to have repercussions for the Russian economy.
  12. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-09-12/sydney-airport-lithium-ion-battery-causes-fire/102846146
  13. They probably regretted it later in life, when their gums shrunk and the dentures no longer fitted properly. I have three implants and a partial denture, as I don't know how long I have I'll just keep renewing fillings.
  14. IIRC over 1 million Russians have left Russia to avoid the military draft. That includes some of their best and brightest. They are not tourists, they are going for good. If the Russian economy is not collapsing, why has the ruble tanked so much the central bank has had to boost interest rates to 12% recently? Europe used to buy about 70% of its oil and gas from Russia. That market is gone - perhaps forever, unless there is complete regime change. It will take at least ten years for Russia to develop pipelines to the new markets of China and India. Meantime, it will have to rely on costly, inefficient shipping no one will insure. It does not have the funds to build those pipelines. The oil coming from the cold regions of Russia had an army of Western technicians to keep it flowing. Those people are now gone. When a wellhead in the permafrost stops pumping, it freezes. Russia was doing very well financially until Putin gambled on taking Ukraine quickly. IMO Russia will either become a failed state, or a Chinese vassal.
  15. When I read absolute tosh, like white sugar and brown sugar are healthier, I doubt that has any research backing it up. Nice try at being patronizing, though. Irrespective of your genetic makeup, I doubt you'll make it from 69 to 80 without developing Type 2 diabetes.
  16. When I read absolute tosh, like white sugar and brown sugar are healthier, I doubt that has any research backing it up. Nice try at being patronizing, though. Irrespective of your genetic makeup, I doubt you'll make it from 69 to 80 without developing Type 2 diabetes.
  17. Of course, Trump would never make up an absolutely false story about anyone.
  18. In Thailand, I have found the only way to avoid sugar in food is to cook it myself.
  19. Your statistical sample of a single person is meaningless in terms of the general population. Perhaps you are fortunate in having good genes for insulin production. It would be difficult to find a doctor who does not recommend pre-diabetics restrict their sugar intake, perhaps you know better than them. Please post a link to the research which claims sugar is not harmful.
  20. I bought an office chair at Thai Watsadu about 8 years ago, for 2000 baht. It is still in good condition. Comparing my chair's life to that of the OP, I would suggest his office furniture would last much longer if he spent less time composing puerile topics, and answering them multiple times.
  21. I alternate between my 36 sqm condo, and my GF's house. I prefer the condo as there is a swimming pool, plenty of restaurant options nearby. I cook for myself as well, when my GF is looking after family members in the village.
  22. I don't find the soda bicarb distasteful, each to his own. Alcohol and fatty foods I would think of as prime contributors to GERD.
  23. Night-time GERD can be avoided or minimized by changing eating habits. I was taking pantoprazole for years. I do not go to bed until at least 3 hours after my last food consumption. About half an hour before going to bed, I have half a teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water. I still keep a bottle of water by the bed to wash down any reflux. However, I have not needed it for several years. IMO soda bicarb is a lot cheaper than medication, with much less risk of harmful side effects. https://www.uclahealth.org/news/ask-the-doctors-you-should-know-the-long-term-side-effects-of-taking-ppis
  24. I would say it is quite rare for someone of your age to be running at the level you do. I do have to wonder if knee and ankle ailments are going to catch up with you at some point. My exercise routine consists of YouTube videos, climbing stairs, and swimming. Walking is another form of exercise confined to a golf course. Each to his own, IMO I am less likely to injure myself.

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