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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. Well done, a masterpiece of evading the question I asked. The turkeys voted for Christmas, they have not realized it yet.
  2. Please go on. The smugness will evaporate soon enough, after Trump and his appointees have put a wrecking ball through government. You're fine if you are a rich Trump voter. Poor Trump voters are going to get thrown under a bus. Are you so economically illiterate you don't realize tax cuts and tariff wars are going to add to the cost of living in America?
  3. I suggest you check out how many Asians come to Australia to get university degrees.
  4. I am talking about migration of the more intelligent vs. the less intelligent. Was my post too arcane for you?
  5. The usual inane response to a thoughtful post, belittling is all you can do. You don't even have the originality to use a different AI meme to the one posted on another thread, more mindless parroting.
  6. There are some things America does extremely well, and others it does very badly. For example, O'Hare airport in Chicago, and Dallas-Fort Worth, are aeronautical marvels of flight control. I can never forget flying into O'Hare and seeing aircraft lined up behind me like taxis, as far as the eye could see. OTOH, China has 29,000 miles of high speed rail criss-crossing the country. America has just 50 miles. There are some things where America is truly exceptional. However, it also has some serious baggage.
  7. The years are far more likely to be horrendous for the poor saps who voted for him. Apart from pushing the nuclear button, there's nothing Trump can do to me.
  8. "o" is a long way from "a" on a keyboard, have you made an early start on the booze?
  9. If Trump was so good the first time around, how did Biden win?
  10. The preposition is "an", did you make it past primary school?
  11. I could use terms like galah and drongo, but I have to make allowances for those who don't understand Australian slang.
  12. I strongly suggest I am starting to live rent-free in your head, which is why you continue to post abuse.
  13. Much better than the pond you live in.
  14. Who appointed you the slave overseer?
  15. You would not know the truth if it bit you on your @rse. The hypocrisy of supporting a felon, fraudster and sexual predator can't exist in a moral vacuum.
  16. Thank you. I trust we can both keep posting in the years to come.
  17. Obviously, you lack the education to understand Trump reality is an oxymoron.
  18. About 30% share his values, pond life. About 20% were conned by him. That 20% will have buyer's remorse soon enough.
  19. Makes a change from you kissing his @rse.
  20. As I have never attended a political rally of any kind, your assumption about me is the usual pile of BS you keep posting.

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