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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. It depends on how one is traveling, I prefer driving. There are some interesting places around Udon Thani, and the 150 km from there to Loei is quite scenic.
  2. Creative accounting would not be confined to Thailand. One of the most reputable companies in Australia, BHP, was lied to by senior executives over the costs of the HBI project in Port Hedland, which had gone way over budget. Their solution was to keep two sets of accounts, one of which went to the BHP board. Eventually, the entire project was scrapped, and it cost a few careers. If you only have THB in Thailand, perhaps you may want to consider buying Thai gold. It's not really an investment, more a currency hedge.
  3. I'd suggest with only 4 posts to your name, being rude to other posters is not going to get you far on this forum.
  4. Better to invest for income in your country of origin, where you can understand the language and the relative risks. I have investments in Australia earning income. I could probably buy stocks in Thailand, but the balance sheets most likely have some very creative accounting. Rule #1 of investing: Never invest in something you don't understand.
  5. Wow, that is the most charitable explanation I have seen for a situation on ASEAN for quite some time. I would say it's unusual for a young woman to need lubrication assistance for vaginal sex, perhaps you can see where I am going with this.
  6. It's all relative, my GF will get what she would consider a fortune, my son gets what he would consider to be a nice chunk of change. My ex-wife and former partner in Australia get nothing, they screwed enough out of me as it is.
  7. What's in Thailand goes to my Thai GF, what's in Australia goes to my son. He will probably do much better with my ex-wife, she got a head start from the Family Court.
  8. My aim is to stay capital stable with my investments, and use the income from those investments to supplement my Australian OAP. I try to work on a monthly average budget of 55,000 baht. I missed the target in 2019, hit it in 20 and 21. On course to do it again in 22.
  9. Not a big bike rider myself, I can remember talking with a guy who was, liked competing in hill climbs. When we got around to the topic of Harleys, he snorted " Weak bottom end, a train can go faster."
  10. I have been driving a "tiny little motor scooter" ( Yamaha TTX ) for about ten years now, accident free. 8 years in Chiang Mai, 2 years in Chiang Rai. I attribute my success to three factors - speed, duration, and threat awareness. I rarely travel above 40 km/hr, my longest trip is 15 minutes, and I am constantly checking for idiots behind and in front of me. Big fat motorcycles are meant for the open road, not city conditions. They are HEAVY, I doubt I would have the strength to control one in most circumstances. I would suggest you are blaming the scooter for situations that may have had something to do with your driving practices. Certainly, you are asking a lot of your attention span to be driving for an hour on any two-wheeled vehicle, big or small. Horses for courses, my scooter is for shopping. Trips more than 20 km, I take the car.
  11. Pro tip: She likes the ride because a Harley is the world's biggest vibrator.
  12. I compared Putin to Hitler in terms of the effectiveness of appeasement.
  13. I thought it was Russia where one could get 15 years in jail for contradicting the official line on the war, AFAIK the Ukrainians do not have a similar penalty.
  14. Russian oil cannot be pumped without Western technology, it has no domestic car industry, all its domestic passenger aircraft are either Boeing or Airbus. 45% of Russian imports are machinery, technology and transport, about $100 billion before sanctions.
  15. There was no such suggestion, what you are doing is simply gaslighting.
  16. I was too old to be conscripted for Vietnam, if I had been I would have gone. What wars have you fought in? Seems to me you are just trolling.
  17. I suggest you compare the GDP of Russia against that of the US and Europe before predicting economic chaos, Russia is a minnow in comparison. What partners? Only China has enough clout to provide an alternative world reserve currency, and it has enough on its plate with multiple property sector failures. Western economies are already working on reducing their dependence on Chinese exports. You have it the wrong way round, China needs imports from the West to feed its population, and support its industries. AFAIK China does not build any commercial aircraft, for example.
  18. I'm of an age where the only thing I am fighting is idiotic posts on ASEAN.
  19. Ah, a person who prefers to live on his knees. Thanks for letting us know.
  20. I suggest you check back on what Putin has said repeatedly, he wants to restore the USSR to its former glory. IIRC, the USSR extended all the way to a partitioned Germany.
  21. I'm in favor of letting the sanctions work, and supporting the Ukrainians. Both tacks are winning. The only person who can start WW 3 is Putin, and he knows once he starts using nukes, Russia would be annihilated along with everyone else. I suspect he also knows now his military is not up to snuff against the combined NATO countries in terms of morale, organization, and technology.
  22. I don't think ordinary Russians are evil, just brainwashed. Russia is now a pariah nation, it can't get foreign investment. Its domestic aviation industry will be a shambles within a year. The EU has banned Russian oil, no income. The Indians and Chinese won't be able to restore that income for years, the logistics of moving oil to those countries don't exist. It is shut out of the global financial system, most foreign companies have fled. IMO Russia has already lost the war it started, it just doesn't realize it. That's what happens when dictators surround themselves with yes-men.
  23. I seem to remember Chamberlain tried to find a peaceful solution with Hitler, we all know how that panned out. IMO the best way to deal with dictators is to send them home with a bloody nose.
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