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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. Limiting or removing their options for mass slaughter is a start. The score would have been a lot less if he only had a knife.
  2. If no-one had guns, police officers would be unnecessary. After Port Arthur in 1996, Australians said enough. The last mass shooting at any educational institution was 20 years ago, at Monash University. When these mass shootings occur in America, they have one thing in common. The shooters are equipped with weapons that are designed with only one purpose in mind, to kill and maim as many people as possible, as quickly as possible. The NRA is a powerful lobby group. Until politicians start filing into jail for accepting bribes and support from an organization that aids and abets the slaughter of American children, it will be business as usual. Gun firms are delighted, sales go up every time there is a mass shooting. How sick is that? An 18 yo kid able to obtain not one, but two AR16's. How stupid is that? It's complete nonsense for supporters of the Second Amendment to say one can't own guns in Australia. I was a gun owner, and still could be one if I was living in Australia, along with thousands of farmers and sporting shooters. I just can't own a weapon designed for rapid butchery. 26 years on from Port Arthur, and the US still has not comprehended the lesson Australia provided. Dumb or stubborn, take your pick.
  3. A shame you are not in Chiang Rai, I had a Thai woman help me renew both my scooter and car licences after they had been expired for two months. Paid her 800 baht, easy-peasy. Grain is correct, one does have to attend in person, although all I did was look at the traffic light and nominate the colors. You might try Assist Thai Visa in ChiangMaiLand, although I am not sure if they handle licences. Failing that, look for any Thai woman who has a licence herself, and is competent in both English and Thai. I'm sure she would be happy to help for the right inducement. I'll also PM with a contact I know, good man, but I don't know where he is at present, or if he would be interested.
  4. I would suggest repeating the test to be on the safe side, with another brand of ATK. Some ATK kits are returning false negatives. If you get the same result, you are good to go.
  5. It's doubtful IF the pool has any free residual chlorine, even 0.1 ppm will do the trick. Chlorination is intended to destroy bacteria, with an average diameter of 1000 to 2000 nm. At 125 nm in diameter, coronavirus would be a mere snack. If you are not disinfecting your pool, you should be, because it can spread all kinds of nasties.
  6. I guess there will always be ordinary people who will accept peace at any price. Reminds me of the quote about living on one's knees, or dying on their feet. I have to seriously question what Putin thinks he is getting out of this, even if his army is successful in the Donbas. The area Russia potentially takes over has completely shattered infrastructure, the only thing of value is the land itself. In Russia itself, there will be no foreign investment, possibly for decades. Any home-grown businesses trying to start up will face punitive interest rates on the capital they borrow. The manufacturing base will have to resort to cannibalizing existing equipment to keep going, sanctions are not going to let replacement parts in. All the European countries are scrambling to reduce their dependence on Russian oil and gas. I suppose the Chinese could help Putin out, by buying his raw materials and supplying essential spare parts. IMO they won't be accepting rubles, and the infrastructure to transport Russian fossil fuels to China is years away. They certainly don't want to be hit with the same sanctions as Russia, the property market in China is imploding. I suspect Putin does not have years, he has lost already.
  7. When my Thai GF starts eating what looks to me like cooked maggots, I don't wish to know what they are, or where they came from. I also don't wish to know how many people are on Facebook or Twitter.
  8. I'm wondering when Russia will run out of munitions. It is expending arms and lives at an unprecedented rate, and the manufacturing of replacements and recruitment of soldiers (poorly trained ones ) are both degraded. Who wants to serve in a military where the equipment is demonstrably inferior, and the senior officers treat their soldiers as expendables? In contrast, the Ukrainians have more and more motivated soldiers coming on stream, with ever increasing high tech weapons supplied by a range of countries. IMO the only way for Russia to avoid complete military disaster is for Putin to be assassinated, or start using nukes.
  9. I am not sure why the OP is concerned about what happens to him after he dies. I would like my ashes scattered on a golf course, given Thai fear of ghosts they may have to be posted back to Australia.
  10. Win what? I'm a scientist who worked in private industry all my life, there's no money in climate science for me, only facts and observations. The 95% of scientists is all of them, not just the ones working in government and academia. I don't know how old you are, that will govern how much global warming and climate change affects you. It does not affect me, I'll be gone. You are saying I don't care about the evidence. I don't believe in global warming, therefore it does not exist. Insurance companies are not scientists. They are certainly about the money, that's why premiums are going through the roof to cover the increased risk of storms, bushfires and floods. Obviously, you have not checked out the last decade in Australia. Since when has Russia had to fight forest fires? You win? You wish.
  11. This is what the data coming out of Australia is saying: If you are vaccinated, and become infected with COVID, you are six times less likely to be occupying a bed in an ICU, or on a ventilator. If you are vaccinated, you will be only 5% of the infected people developing "long COVID". The vaccination rate in Australia is 84%. Vaccines work. Smallpox only exists in a laboratory, polio only exists in s###holes such as Afghanistan. Flu is a routine jab every year nowadays, vaccines are modified to keep up with the current mutation. That's the path COVID vaccination will be on.
  12. You are unvaccinated, yes. How do you know you have not had COVID already, and were asymptomatic? Have you been tested for antibodies? Of course a 2 yo is not going to have problems, COVID mainly affects the elderly and infirm. Who is using an anecdotal case now. Kindly desist from the "open mind" stuff. I'm a scientist who lives by facts and data, and I find the suggestion downright insulting. Real facts? How do you know the "real facts" you speak of are not concocted by someone, the same accusation you level at governments and health authorities?
  13. It's a contest between fact-based science and belief. Frequently the volume of belief is quite a few notches higher on social media, where everyone can have confirmation of their biases by other believers. I am amused by the climate deniers who claim children are being brainwashed into belief in climate science. The same people probably quite happily send their children off to Sunday School or sectarian colleges, to be indoctrinated into belief of an entity they cannot see, touch or hear.
  14. Please explain to me why, vaccinated at age 78, I had COVID for 3 days and fully recovered. No loss of taste or smell, no fever, no headache. Sore throat and runny nose. Please explain to me why my GF, unvaccinated, had COVID for 10 days, 23 years younger than me. Sore throat, runny nose, lost her sense of taste and smell, fever, headache. Or an unvaccinated friend in Chiang Rai, who had fatigue for two months, still has concentration and short term memory loss problems six months afterwards. These are not "sources", these are my personal experiences.
  15. It's interesting to note every single product he mentions in the video is a packaged or processed food. Not a single fresh food gets a mention.
  16. Quite right, that's why I have daily exercise routines to maintain or build muscle mass. It's a balancing act. I haven't reduced my food intake, just become more selective in what I eat.
  17. Family genetics mean I will always battle to get into normal range. OTOH, I'll never have to worry about osteoporosis. I'd like to be around to see how you compare at age 79, but it's unlikely.
  18. I only buy margarine imported from Australia, and with an olive oil or canola base. The argument rages on social media as to whether saturated fats or unsaturated oils are better health-wise, the Mediterranean diet supports the latter. There is no such thing as a polyunsaturated fat, they are all oils. When manufacturers hydrogenate a polyunsaturated oil, then it becomes a saturated fat. And yes, trans fats are bad news. You'll have to help me out with what CLA is, Google tells me it is a Mercedes model.
  19. Companies with solid cash flow that pay good dividends will always have value, irrespective of whether it is a bull or bear market.
  20. Somehow, I don't think the rubbish I see on every Thai roadside was dumped there by malign foreigners. An artificial reef? More like the oil company's lipstick on a pig.
  21. It's possible to eat normal levels of fat, provided one has trained their metabolism to utilize it rather than sugar. That's the basis of low-carb diets. BMI can be somewhat misleading. Most midfielders in Australian Rules football fail BMI criteria miserably, because they are all muscle. The preferred method of measurement is skin fold testing.
  22. AFAIK the generic is Apcalis. 400 baht, 4 X 20 mg tabs.
  23. LOL, you think an agent is going to go into bat for you if things go pear-shaped? More likely it will be CYA time with the IO.
  24. There are alternatives to the missionary position, you know.
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